Saturday, May 20, 2023

One month online certificate training on Qualitative Research Methodology

15TH JUNE TO 15TH JULY, 2023

 Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (Registered Academic Trust by Indian Trust Act, 1882 REGD.NO.150600103) invites application for one month training certificate course on Qualitative Research Methodology in social science research. Qualitative Research methods are useful for providing rich descriptions of complex phenomena. Quantitative and qualitative methods can be combined, applied successively, or employed simultaneously. The most noteworthy qualitative research is scientific and rigorous, aims to minimise bias and error, and strives to find data that refutes initial or emergent perspectives. For honing this impressive skill, proper training is crucial! This is a foundation course covering four groups of theory papers and one practicum. 
Paper 1- Focus group, Content analysis and Narrative analysis.
Paper 2- Case Study and Phenomenology.
Paper 3- Interview technique and Grounded theory.
Paper 4- Observation and Ethnography.
Paper 5 - Practicum
The trainees will learn under the supervision of award winning faculties of different universities, colleges, and research institute through online mode from 8 to 10 PM. The trainees will be evaluated and certificates of course completion will be provided. 

Eligibility criteria for the course: Post graduation in any subject of Social Science.
Duration: 15th June to 15th July, 2023 at 8 to 10 PM online on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday through Zoom. 
Registration Fees: Rs. 2500/-
Contact us: Dr Rama Manna - Academic coordinator | M: +919903542602 
Farha - Program Coordinator | M: +919998301691 
Sara- Student Coordinator |M:8655925311.

The google form for registration is given below:

Account details are: Account number: 920020072908427, IFSC Code: - UTIB0000236, AXIS BANK, DUNLOP (KOLKATA). You can pay by Gpay or phone pay.


ONE MONTH ONLINE Certificate Training on Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Science Research for Post graduates in any Subject of Social Science.
Title: Qualitative Research methodology in Social science research.
Organized by:Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT), Registered Academic Trust by Indian Trust Act,1882, REGD.NO.150600103.
About the trust: It is a higher learning virtual research institute aiming at educating students about research for the welfare of the larger community through online and blended education. International students are welcome here.The trust regularly inviting applications for various courses. Both Internal and External Faculties are teaching here. The trust has more than 500 students. 

Syllabus outline:

Paper 1-Interview Techniques

systematic and structured approach employed by researchers to conduct interviews and gather information from participants. It involves a series of methods, strategies, and guidelines aimed at maximizing the quality and reliability of the data collected.

Paper 2- Focus Groups: 

It involves bringing together a small group of participants, typically ranging from 6 to 12 individuals, in a structured and moderated discussion. The purpose of a focus group is to explore attitudes, opinions, perceptions, and experiences related to a specific topic or research question.

Paper 3-Observations

It is a way of collecting data by directly observing and documenting what is happening without any intervention or manipulation by the observer.

Paper 4- Case Study
An in-depth examination of a particular individual, group, organization, or event. It is a qualitative research approach that seeks to understand and analyze complex phenomena within their real-life context. 

Paper 5 Content Analysis
Content analysis is a research method used to systematically analyze and interpret the content of various forms of communication, such as written text, audio recordings, video, social media posts, websites, or any other form of media. It involves identifying and categorizing specific elements within the content to extract meaningful insights and draw conclusions.

Paper 6- Narrative Analysis

Narrative analysis is a research method used to analyze and interpret the stories or narratives people construct to make sense of their experiences, identities, and the world around them. It involves examining the structure, content, and context of narratives to uncover underlying meanings, themes, and patterns.

Paper 7- Phenomenology

Phenomenology is a philosophical and research approach that focuses on the study of subjective experiences and the way individuals make sense of the world. It seeks to understand the essence or structure of lived experiences as they are perceived and interpreted by individuals.

Paper 8- Grounded Theory

Grounded theory is a qualitative research methodology that aims to develop theories or explanations grounded in the data collected during the research process.

Paper 9- Ethnography 

Ethnography is a qualitative research method that involves the systematic study and description of the culture, behaviors, and practices of a particular group or community. It aims to understand the social and cultural aspects of a group from the perspective of its members by immersing the researcher in the community's natural setting.


Paper 1: Interview Techniques - Importance, types - structured, unstructured, semi-structured interview. Supportive interview. Coding, theme development and interpretation.Ethical considerations.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 2: Focus group: Snowball sampling, group composition, Brain storming, transcription, Coding, Thematic analysis, evaluation.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 3-Observations
Event and time sampling.Different types of observation, such as participant observation, non-participant observation, structured observation, or unstructured observation, Vignette and Checklist.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 4- Case Study 
Importance, Types - single-case studies, multiple-case studies, or comparative case studies. Sampling, Grouping,  Analysis of key themes, patterns and drawing connections with earlier studies and reporting.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 5 Content Analysis
Designing, conducting, and analyzing content analysis studies.
Discuss the importance of considering the context, exploring relationships between variables, and drawing connections to relevant theoretical frameworks or existing literature. Coding and categorization , theme generation, graphical distribution.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 6- Narrative Analysis 
Significance, Subjective experience related data collection, Types -thematic analysis, structural analysis, or dialogical analysis., 
coding and categorizing narrative data, identifying recurring themes or motifs, and interpreting the narratives. 
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 7- Phenomenology: Identify phenomenon of interest, Participant’s selection, Depth interview, Immerse yourself in the data, familiarizing yourself with the content through observation, Phenomenological reduction , Identify the structure that emerge from the analysis , Reflecting and validation.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 8- Grounded Theory
Importance, key concepts - Inductive reasoning, Theory emergence, Constant comparison, Theoretical sampling, Saturation. Steps - Data collection, Data coding,  Categories and subcategories development, Memoing, Theoretical sampling, Theoretical saturation, Theory construction.
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Paper 9- Ethnography 
Community problem identification, symbols, cultural patterns, Tacit and latent knowledge, types - macro, micro, emic and etic ethnography. Research steps
(Marks: 10, 1 hour lesson)

Pedagogy: Hand outs, Case representation and Demonstration are instruments for teaching. Regular assignment and evaluation .
Qualification: Post graduation in any subject of Social Science.
Eligibility: Good speaking, writing and reading skills.
Duration: 15th June to 15th July, 2023 at 8 to 10 PM online on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday through zoom . 12 hours for theory and 4 hours for practice.
Registration Fees: Rs.2000 up to 10th June. After 10th June, Rs.2500.
Certificate: Course completion certificate will be provided after the written test and Viva.
Mode: Online.
Seats: 10
Account number: 920020072908427, IFSC Code:- UTIB0000236 , AXIS BANK, DUNLOP (KOLKATA). You can pay by Gpay or phone pay using scan image.


Title: Introduction to Qualitative Research: Enhancing Research Skills

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: By the end of this session, participants will be able to understand the fundamentals of qualitative research, differentiate it from quantitative research, and develop basic skills required for conducting qualitative research.

Materials Needed:

Projector and screen
Laptop/computer with presentation software
Handouts and pens/pencils for participants
Session Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

Welcome and introduce yourself.
Explain the purpose of the faculty development program and the importance of qualitative research in academic and research settings.
Share the session objectives with the participants.
Understanding Qualitative Research (20 minutes)

Provide a brief overview of qualitative research and its significance.
Discuss the main characteristics and principles of qualitative research, such as exploring subjective experiences, understanding context, and generating rich descriptions.
Highlight the key differences between qualitative and quantitative research approaches.
Types of Qualitative Research Methods (20 minutes)

Introduce common qualitative research methods, including interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis.
Explain the strengths and limitations of each method, along with examples of research questions they can address.
Share real-life examples of qualitative studies conducted in relevant fields.
Data Collection Techniques (30 minutes)

Discuss different techniques for collecting qualitative data, such as conducting interviews, facilitating focus groups, and engaging in participant observation.
Explain the importance of establishing rapport, ethical considerations, and ensuring data quality during data collection.
Highlight best practices and tips for conducting effective interviews and observations.
Data Analysis and Interpretation (30 minutes)

Explain the process of qualitative data analysis, including coding, categorization, and thematic analysis.
Introduce software tools (e.g., NVivo, Atlas.ti) that can assist with data analysis.
Discuss the importance of reflexivity, interpretation, and maintaining rigor in qualitative research.
Practical Exercises (30 minutes)

Divide participants into small groups.
Provide them with a qualitative research scenario or a set of interview transcripts.
Instruct participants to practice coding, categorization, and thematic analysis based on the provided materials.
Encourage group discussions and share their interpretations of the data.
Q&A and Wrap-up (20 minutes)

Allow participants to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have.
Summarize the main points covered during the session.
Provide additional resources, recommended readings, and tools for further exploration of qualitative research.
Thank the participants for their active participation and conclude the session.
Note: The session plan can be adapted based on the level of expertise and specific needs of the participants. Additionally, incorporating interactive activities, case studies, or guest speakers who have conducted qualitative research can further enhance the learning experience.

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