Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Music and Peace

Music and Peace

Rabindrasangeet creates mental images that are entangled with repeated loops in Raag layer. Looping structures and restructures mental images and finally enters into 
Saraswat layer of consciousness. Saraswat is the inner core layer, seat of mental peace, harmony with surroundings, aesthetics. Raag layer is the inner layer and murta is outer layer of consciousness.Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two particles can become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described without taking into account the state of the other particle, even if they are separated by large distances. This means that if you measure the state of one particle, it will immediately affect the state of the other particle, regardless of the distance between them. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as "spooky action at a distance" because it appears to violate classical notions of cause and effect.
    Rabindrik Psychotherapy assumes that consciousness is unbound and it is analogous to ocean, air, sky and universe beyond the light years.The common tool of Rabindrik Psychotherapy is Rabindrasangeet.
Rabindrasangeet is a genre of music that originated in Bengal, India, and is named after its creator, the famous Bengali poet and polymath Noble laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindrasangeet refers to a wide range of songs written and composed by Tagore, spanning themes of love, nature, spirituality, and social consciousness. When we listen to intially, murta layer is stimulated by music morphology. Morphology of music is the smallest unit of meaning of music. It encompasses with notes, breaks and rhythm. My

 Working Memory and give feelings of peace. 

 structure of mental image peace.

and it is composed of three layers - Murta, Raag and Saraswat. Murta is the seat of attention and perception. Raag is the seat of feelings,emotions and associations of thoughts. Saraswat is the locus of harmony, aesthetics and peace. Mental image is initially formed at micro level and discrete form with its morphological structure at Murta layer. When there are more number of similar mental images are entangled, it develops speed or velocity. Mental image velocity moves entangled structure of mental images from Murta to Raag layer. At this layer, structure of mental image entanglement is changing repeatedly in association with feelings and emotions and prior memories. Gradually, mental images are more structured and it becomes more powerful. Finally, it comes out of Raag layer and,enters into the layer of Saraswat layer of consciousness. In this layer, the images find harmony and peace. 

The image has velocity to cross the force field of
Music entanglement 

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean by "music entanglement". Can you please provide more information or context so I can better understand your question and provide a helpful response?

In recent years, researchers have explored the idea of entanglement in the context of music, using it as a metaphor to describe how musical elements can become interconnected and interdependent in complex ways. For example, different musical parts in a composition can be thought of as entangled, where the state of one part affects the state of another. This perspective can provide new insights into how music is structured and how it affects our emotions and perceptions.
Please explain
In recent years, researchers have explored the idea of entanglement in the context of music, using it as a metaphor to describe how musical elements can become interconnected and interdependent in complex ways. For example, different musical parts in a composition can be thought of as entangled, where the state of one part affects the state of another. This perspective can provide new insights into how music is structured and how it affects our emotions and perceptions.

When researchers explore the idea of entanglement in the context of music, they are using the concept of entanglement as a metaphor to describe how musical elements can become interconnected and interdependent in complex ways. In other words, they are not referring to the literal quantum mechanical phenomenon of entanglement, but rather using it as a way to think about and describe certain aspects of music.

For example, in a musical composition, different musical parts can be thought of as entangled if they are interdependent in such a way that the state of one part affects the state of another. This can happen in many ways, such as when a melody is repeated in a different key or when a rhythm is varied throughout a piece. In these cases, the different musical parts are not independent entities, but rather interconnected and interdependent components of a larger whole.

Viewing music through the lens of entanglement can provide new insights into how it is structured and how it affects our emotions and perceptions. It can help us understand how different musical elements work together to create a cohesive whole, and how changes in one part can affect the overall mood or meaning of a piece. Additionally, this perspective can shed light on how music can evoke strong emotional responses in listeners, as the entangled relationships between different musical elements can create a sense of tension, release, or resolution that resonates with us on a deep level.

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