Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Paper 1. Child development
Paper 2. Mental testing.
Paper 3. Reading and Writing motivation 
Paper 4. Arithmetic skills.
Paper 5. Creativity.

Paper 1.Child development
Unit 1. Physical development.
Unit 2. Cognitive development.
Unit 3. Emotional and Social Development.
Unit 4. Personality development.

Paper 2. Mental testing.
Unit 1. Vineland Social Maturity Scale.
Unit 2. Intelligence test for Children.
Unit 3. Child behaviour checklist.
Unit 4. Personality and Family 

Paper 3.Reading and Writing motivation.

Unit 1. Reading skill development.
Unit 2. Writing skill development.
Unit 3. Arithmetic skill development.
Unit 4. Reading and Writing motivation.

Paper 4. Personality and Family. 
Unit 1. Family climate.
Unit 2. Psychosexual development.
Unit 3. Psychosocial development.

Paper 5. Rabindrik Psychotherapy.
Unit 1. Postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy.
Unit 2. Dance and Drama therapy.
Unit 3. Drawing and Pottery art.
Unit 4. Story therapy and poetry.

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