Sunday, December 25, 2022

Academic Achievement 2022.

RPRIT in this year achieved many things:

1. Broad course: In this year, RPRIT has successfully completed a few skill development courses -School Psychology, Applied Psychometrics, Forensic Psychology, Questionnaire construction, Tenemental health counselling.

2.Short course: In this year, RPRIT has offered some short courses - Music therapy, Rabindrik Psychotherapy, SPSS based data analysis, R-script based data analysis.

3.1. RPRIT offered Business data analysis with ABBS, Bangalore.
3.2.  Principal component analysis with Indian Institute of Psychology.

4. Consultancy: RPRIT provided consultancy to one Microfinance organization - Arohan in construction of Psychological test for selection of customer service representatives.

5.1. Dr. D. Dutta Roy, has received ' Anita Memorial Innovative Scientist Award ' for presentation of research paper titled ' Quantum Consciousness in Psychotherapy 'by the Indian Academy of Health Psychology at the International Conference of the Indian Academy of Health Psychology held at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, UP. dated 22.12.22.
5.2. Three students of Applied Psychometrics have received award for obtaining more than 90% marks. They are Ann Mary, Hasinah Mallik and Sara Chavan.
5.3. Teachers of the Applied Psychometrics have received Awards for their performance. They are Farah Ahmed and Mansi Mathur.

6. Memorandum of understanding
6.1 RPRIT sent a request for MOU to Adamas University so that RPRIT students and Faculties get the academic and research supports.

6.2 RPRIT is preparing another MOU with National Forensic Sciences University in order to develop mutual exchange of research on Forensic Psychology.

7.Book Publication
In collaboration with Indian School psychology Association, Dr. D. Dutta Roy in association with Dr. Panch Ramalingam and Dr. Rituparna Basak Dasgupta published one Bengali book titled “ Bharatbarsher Patabhumikay Bidyalaya sankranta Manobigyan’. The book was published by Indian School psychology Association, Puducherry. 

8. Book chapter: Dutta Roy, D and Dasgupta Basak, R. (2022),Reading Motivation of Bilinguals in Primary Education. Mukherjee,S. Biswas, P, Olea, D. (Eds.), Education in Post- Pandemic Era: A Paradigm Shift. Stockholm, Sweden: Redshine.

9.Journal Publication

9.1. Dutta Roy, D and Dasgupta Basak, R. (2022), Reading Motivation
as predictor of Academic Achievement in Primary Education, Journal of
Applied and School Psychology. April,202, Vol 3, No 2, 80-91.

9.2. Dutta Roy, D and Dasgupta Basak, R. (2022), Self-awakening
Approach to achieve Sustainable Education in Neo-Normal Situation based on
Postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy, Mind and Society, 11,3,38-48.

10. Paper presentation:   
10.1 Dutta Roy,D. and Dasgupta Basak, R.(2022). Self-awakening Approach to Learning: Teaching Pedagogy in New Normal Situation. 12th InSPA International Conference, Organized by the International Conference of Indian School Psychology Association dated 2-4,10,22
10.2. Dutta Roy,D (2022). Quantum Consciousness in Psychotherapy. 7th International Conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology, organized by Gautam Buddha University,Greater Noida, December 22-24.

11. Symposium: 
On 5th February, 2022, Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) has organized online National level Symposium on Applied Psychometrics. The theme of the seminar was ‘ Current researches in Applied Psychometrics. Six research papers were read and three papers received best paper awards after evaluation of its content, method and delivery.Best paper awards have been given to 3 presenters. It was organized by team of Academic assistants - Priya Verma, Aayushi Soral, Rupali Rawat, Kavitha Saj, Anushree Basu.

12. Visiting scientists

12.1. Dr. Ravi Gunthey, Retd. Professor of Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur. Dr. Gunthey stressed on Applied Psychometrics for community development, multiple use of Psychological test in multiple situations, computer aided Psychological testing. He introduced Dr. Nita Jain. Dr. Jain focused on application of psychometrics in intellectually disabilities.
12.2. Dr. Maxim Pereira, Assistant Professor of Montfort college, Bengaluru. Dr. Pereira illuminated importance of Psychometrics in Psychological Counseling. He talked about Counseling assessment and measurement differences, importance of standardized and non standardized instruments in Counseling.
12.3. Dr. Tushar Singh, Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi chaired the session. 

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