Monday, March 14, 2022



Background: For any organization, success is dependent on the quality of personnel that are selected for the job. So, the selection procedure is a very significant function of an organization’s management. The significance of selection can be seen from the following factors:

1. Procuring skilled workers- personnel selection helps in hiring only the desirable candidates.

2. Reducing the cost of training – proper personnel selection reduces training cost because the qualified candidates will be good at grasping the techniques of work.

3. Personnel problems can be solved – proper personnel selection means workers will be satisfied with their work and hence personnel problems in the organization can be reduced. Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) has observed limitation of research in personnel selection causing difficulty to develop good theories and instruments in personnel  selection. Aim of this internship is to provide knowledge about selection and training through literature review, development of psychological instrument and analysis of data. 

Brief introduction: Personnel Selection is the methodical placement of individuals into jobs. Its impact on the organization is realized when employees achieve years or decades of service to the employer. The process of selection follows a methodology to collect information about an individual in order to determine if that individual should be employed. The methodology used should not violate any laws regarding personnel selection.

Name of the Proposing Scientist: Dr Debdulal Dutta Roy, Founder President, Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust, Kolkata. Dr. Dutta Roy did extensive research in Organizational Psychology, cognitive, health,educational and environmental psychology. He developed several psychological instruments and offered different statistical methods to the Psychology community.

Project linked Academic assistants 

Ms. Priya Verma (+91 8619098870, ,Jaipur) and

 Ms. Kavitha Shaj ( +91 9082188515, , Bengaluru)...teacher educator

Date of Commencement: 30th April 2022

Expected Date of Completion: July 2022

Registration form

Mode: Online using Zoom platform, YouTube videos, blogs and Google classrooms.  

Duration- 3 Months, 2 classes per week (4 hours a week), Wednesday and Saturday. 7-9 PM.

Qualification of Interns

  • Eligibility Criteria: Graduates, PG in Organizational Psychology, M.Phil in Clinical/ Organizational Psychology with First Class.

  • Selection Criteria: Written test & Interview.

Internship fee: Non-refundable Rs. 6000 to be paid after confirmation of selection. 

Resource persons: Internal and external faculties of research institutes and universities. 


Extensive literature review will be conducted on the topics- Integrity, Interpersonal relations, Personality and Learning agility. After which the initial pool of items of the questionnaire will be constructed, revised and tested in the Pilot study. These items will be presented to subject experts to examine the construct validity. The pilot study will contain heterogeneous sample to ensure the suitability of each item for inclusion in the test battery. The revised test will then again be assessed for its psychometric properties and be subjected to the final testing for standardization and development of norms. After the final study, Manual of the same will be developed.

Internship takeaways:

  1. Interns will get to learn and be involved in developing a questionnaire, from initial motivating ideas to a rough design, design of materials, pilot studies, draft final design, final testing, standardization and norm development.

  2. They will be familiarized with methods used to study topics in Organizational Psychology like Personality, integrity & honesty, interpersonal and Learning agility.

  3. They will learn to deal with the problems of discovering patterns in the data. This will involve learning about the various data summarization and statistical analysis tools of human research. 

  4. They will gain practical experience in carrying out research projects, analyzing data, interpreting data, writing up and presenting results.

  5. Interns will be rewarded certificate of completion and recommendation letter after completing their duties and responsibilities satisfactorily.



Theories & Research design in personnel selection   

           Unit 1: Introduction to the Job Analysis, Selection and Training, Placement 

    Unit 2: Systematic Literature Review on three variables

    Unit 3: Methods of Personnel Selection and tool construction.

    Unit 4: Sample Survey and Item analysis

    Unit-5 : Data collection & Project Proposal.

Paper 2 – Statistics & statistical software

    Unit 1- Statistics for Selection and training

    Unit 2- Statistics for item construction & item analysis

    Unit 3- Statistics for reliability & validity

    Unit 4- Statistics for Norm development

Paper 3- Establishing Psychometric Properties of the Developed Questionnaire

    Unit 1: Reliability 

    Unit 2: Validity 

    Unit 3: Predictive Validity 

    Unit 4 : Concurrent Validity    

Paper 4- Norm Development (DEVELOPED Questionnaire)

    Unit 1: Describing performance using T score and Z score

    Unit 2: Describing performance using sten score and percentile score

    Unit 3: Classification of  the subjects.

    Unit 4: Test standardization     Determining test standardization. 

Paper 5- Writing dissertation

    Unit 1: Introduction and Review of Literature

    Unit 2: Methodology and Results

    Unit 3: Norms and Scoring, Interpretation

    Unit 4: Discussion and Conclusion


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