Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Career Development Ecosystem (September,20-October,20, 2020)

 1.Course Name: Career Development Ecosystem

2. Contents

2.1.  Theories of integrated Career development ecosystem - Career networking (Building a career is a lifelong journey. )

2.2   Job Analysis- Job description, Task analysis, Personnel specification.

2.3  Job satisfaction -Hackman and Lawler's model of job characteristics.

2.4. RIASEC coding: Occupational interest theory and assessing Occupational choice.

2.5  Rabindrik value theory – Path and Goal orientation.

2.6 Sixteen Personality factors questionnaire in Profile Matching Based Career Counseling.

3. No of days in a week : Three.

4. Total Lecture :. 12

5. Registration :

5.1. Online registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesqgCbJGTs1KEZmTBbj3Z7hc8ZOtRISPlsv9gRX079ZmkhcA/viewform

5.2. Fees : Non-refundable 1000/-

6. Tenure : 1 month.

7. Pedagogy : Lecture through Zoom , Audio visual and notes.

8. E- Certificate will be given.

9. Assignment in every week.

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