Friday, February 14, 2020

Rabindrik Story Therapy For Conflict Management

Psychological counseling in educational, family, and industrial settings becomes effective when it is based on story as story provides multiple characteristics and problem solving strategies. Story therapy course is mixed with three broad areas − Psychology, Literature and Performing arts. This course has been designed to integrate the above.
Learning Objectives:
After the Course Student will learn basic skills of story writing and telling for conflict management. 
Duration: March to May,2020. Only on Sunday 5P.M to 7P.M
Course Content:
MODULE 1 (March,2020)
l. Introduction to Conflict Management.
2. Indicators of anxiety and depression.
3.Introduction to Types of Short Story.
4.Introduction to Theraputic Story Characteristics.Literary analysis. 
MODULE 2 (April, 2020)
  1. Steps of Story Therapy.
  2. Beck's triad theory and dysfunctional thought management.
  3. Structured, unstructured, simulated story writing. 
  4. Rabindrik Psychotherapy postulates and human value theory.

MODULE 3 (May, 2020)
9.Therapeutic discourse, Adjectives in self-consciousness. lO. Writing drama
ll. Voice modulation for therapeutic story telling.

Lecture, demonstration, role playing, On line assignment, project submission.

Registration Open: Till 1st March Class starts: 8.3.2020.
Draft project: 10.5.2020
Final Project submission:24.5.2020 Class ends: 31.5.2020
Competency certificate distribution: 31.5.2020

Graduation or Post graduation in any Discipline

Seats: Maximum 10

Contact: Ms. Annesa Mukherjee, Academic assistant. Ph: 70445 39723

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