Sunday, February 9, 2020

Collaboration with Asutosh Memorial Institute

Aparna Mookherjee wrote 

The proposal of our venture with Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute with Sivatosh Mookerjee Science Center under the aegis of Sir Asutosh Mookerjee Memorial Institute has been proposed formally in the Annual General meeting of AMMI held today. As a GB member of AMMI I have explained everything in details to the governing body of our institute. We have the initial verbal approval of the Secretary of AMMI, Dr. Reena Bhaduri and and are awaiting a formal approval of the Chairman of AMMI, Justice Chittatosh Mookerjee post the submission of the written proposal. The director of Sivatosh Mookerjee Science Center, Prof. Mihir Chakraborty is also interested in this proposal. 

Our venture: to introduce data analysis courses with updated practical know-how of statistical software R and help the budding researchers in the field to apply the latest technology in their study. We are also looking forward to conducting seminars and conferences to disseminate scientific knowledge amongst the research fraternity. 

As a descendant of Sir Asutosh, and a researcher myself, it is my privilege to be a part of this venture. Only knowledge is the source of upliftment of humans and we are trying to spread the knowledge along with helping the young researchers who are the future of development of the country.

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