Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Therapeutic postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy

1. Consciousness is free floating
‌2. It is unbound.
‌3. Do not label rather understand other's consciousness.
‌4. Consciousness is composed of three layers Murta, Raga and Saraswat.
‌5. Experience of Consciousness is like a journey from incomplete to complete across three layers.
‌6. Man is pursuer of newness.
‌7.Man is pursuer of completeness.
‌8. Searching newness makes man incomplete that acts as the driver to find out completeness.
‌9. Incomplete to complete is a cyclic process.
‌10. Image characteristics change across layers of consciousness.
‌11. Man has power to customise environment for change in consciousness layers.
‌12. Incoming images  are changed when it came out from saraswat layer.
‌13. Murta image has structure but no affect or emotion.
‌14. Raga layer based image is affected by emotion.
‌15. Saraswat image indicates harmony of object and environment.
‌16. Incoming image creates buoyant forces.
‌17. There will not  be any stigma in therapy.