Wednesday, April 17, 2019

R programming in Questionnaire data analysis

A. Course title :R programming in analysis of Questionnaire data for students of social and health sciences.

B. Background : Results based on reliable and valid questionnaire are more acceptable for decision making.

C. Organized by : Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute. 3c/2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata - 2. Landmark : Opposite of Rabindrabharati University main gate, B. T. Road.

D. Time: Saturday, from 4-6 /7

E. Pedagogy :Each day has 2 hours might be extended one hour depending on the contingencies. Each day includes the theory and practical. After the course, candidates will get course completion certificates. Each candidate will design one brief questionnaire, collect data, analyze with R script and prepare one hard copy for evaluation. Teaching will be given online and face to face classroom.

F. Eligibility : Post graduation in Social and Health sciences. Able to follow online teaching and data collection.

G. Day wise schedule :

Day1. Theory : Characteristics of good questionnaire for survey. Measurement scales.
Practical : Online form preparation.

Day 2. Theory : Characteristics of good items.
Practical : Writing items of given construct. Collection of data.

Day3. Theory: Introduction to Basic statistics with R script.
Practical : Data analysis with R script.

Day 4. Theory: Introduction to Basic statistics with R script.
Practical : Data analysis with R script

Day 5. Theory : Theory of survey, sampling.
Practical : Collection of data through survey.

Day 6. Theory : Introduction to reliability theory.
Practical : Between and within subject variability with R script.

Day 7. Theory : Introduction to validity theory.
Practical : Analysis of Content validity of the Questionnaire.

Day 8. Presentation of Research paper

Day 9. Distribution of certificates.

H. Course fee : One time non refundable Rs. 3000 in cash during the joining day.

I. Online registration :

J. Seats :10

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