Friday, March 15, 2019

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute, a voluntary research initiative aiming at  exploring Psychotherapeutic postulates out of the literary works of Rabindranath Tagore, in collaboration with the Education department of Jadavpur University is going to organize one day National seminar under the theme ' Empowering people in Psychotherapy' on 9th May, 2019 (Thursday). Academicians, social workers, researchers and stakeholders are inviting to contribute research abstracts, case studies formatted according to the given format below. All the articles should be sent to within 15th April,2019. 

Research abstract should be limited to 300 words. One 50 words brief biography is to be attached as per the format. 

A. Abstract writing format 
Please submit abstract with maximum 300 words covering Title, Affiliation, Background, Objective, Method, Results, Contribution to academy, Keywords and Total number of words. 

B. Format for writing biography 
Paper presenter/s should present the biography not more than 50 words covering affiliation, designation and current research.

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