Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Credit course meaning


Total credits of the Course = 4* *As per UGC Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes ( https://www. ugc.ac.in/e-book/FYUGP/mobile/index.html), a one credit of tutorial work means one-hour engagement per week. In a semester of 15 weeks duration, a one credit tutorial in a course is equivalent to 15 hours of engagement. A one credit course in practicum or lab work, community engagement and services, and field work in a semester means two-hour engagement per week. In a semester of 15 weeks duration, a one credit practicum in a course is equivalent to 30 hours of engagement. The proposed number of credits per course and the credit distribution are suggestive and the HEIs may decide on course credits and distribution over 6/8 semesters in a manner that will facilitate the students to meet the minimum credit requirements

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