Saturday, March 30, 2024

Advanced Applied Psychometrics with intervention approach

The objective of this course is to gain advanced education in applied psychometrics measurement and intervention models through a six-month online training. Trainees can develop expertise in psychometric data analysis, questionnaire construction, and utilization of psychological tests across different settings.


Registration Fees: Rs. 15000 non-refundable before 4th April and Rs18000 after 4th April .

Timings: 8 to 9 PM online on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through Zoom.


AP01.1: Difference between Psychometrics and Applied Psychometrics, Scope, Measurement scales and it uses in Psychological testing-Nominal (Socio-economic survey), Ordinal (Rabindrik value preference survey), Interval (Achievement scale), Ratio (Osgood semantic differential scale.

AP01.2: Application in Industry- Selection(aptitude testing), training, achievement motivation, Industrial Safety, organizational health questionnaire and Job satisfaction.

AP01.3: Application in School- School attitude towards infrastructure, Safe school perception, Verbal reasoning, Reading and Writing motivation, Pro environmental education( Pro- environmental attitude).

AP01.4: Application in Mental Health- BDI, State and trait anxiety inventory, Mental testing: WAIS-4, NEO FFI, Health (WHOQOL).

AP01.5: Characteristics of Good psychological test, Psychophysics and psychological scaling,Reliability, Validity, Norm and Norm estimation, Item analysis and item characteristics, Factor analysis.

AP02. Research methods in Psychology

AP02.1 Experimental method- True experiment (One- way randomized design, Randomized Block design, Factorial design). Quasi experimental method (Pre-post research design, post-facto research design, Case control study).

AP02.2 Observation- Controlled and Naturalistic observation. Cross-sectional and longitudinal research design.

AP02.3 Qualitative research method -Case study, Grounded theory, Ethnography, Phenomenological Research, Narrative Research.

AP02.4 Survey method-structured and unstructured interview. Fact finding observation, online survey, Telephone survey, Panel Survey.

AP02.5 Sampling - Simple random sampling, Circular sampling, Stratified Random sampling, Cluster sampling, Quota sampling, Purposive sampling - Maximum variation sampling, homogenous sampling, typical case sampling, extreme or deviant case sampling, critical case sampling, expert sampling.

AP03.Foundation statistics with r-studio

AP03.1 Data Summarization and Management: Data Summarization: Frequency, Percentage, Percentile, Central Tendency, Variability. File Management and Basic Data Structures in R-Studio: Vector, Data Frame, Data Organization, Matrix Manipulation.

AP03.2 Normal Probability Curve Characteristics and Data Transformation: Normal Probability Curve Characteristics: Skewness, Kurtosis, Area Estimation. Data Transformation: Transforming Data, Data summarization.

AP03.3 Parametric Statistics and Statistical Analysis in R-Studio: Parametric Statistics: Mean Differences, Correlation, Regression.

AP03.4 Non-parametric Statistics and Data Visualization: Non-parametric Statistics: Chi-Square Statistics, Rank Order Correlation, Mann Whitney U Test, Sign Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, Kruskal Wallis Test. Data Visualization: Plotting Categorical Data, Bar Plot, Stacked Bar Plot, Pie Chart, Histogram, Scatter Plot, Box Plot.

AP03.5 Psychoinformatics: Data Reservoir, Data Cleaning, Data Mining, Pattern recognition and Discovery of knowledge.

AP04. Intervention

AP04.1 Assessment of career counseling.

AP04.2 Computer adaptive tracking for educational assessment.

AP04.3 Logistic Regression module for therapeutic effectiveness.

AP04.4. Training effectiveness and discriminant function.

AP04.5 Participant feedback assessment.


Two Technical Reports and One dissertation with 200 Data sample size.


AP01.Introduction to Applied Psychometrics. (Number of hours-12), Total Marks-100, 50 for theory test and 50 for assignment.

AP02. Research Methods in Psychology (Number of hours-12), Total Marks-100, 50 for theory test and 50 for assignment.

AP03. Foundation Statistics with R-Studio (Number of hours-12), Total Marks-100, 50 for theory test and 50 for assignment.

Intervention Model. (Number of hours-12), Total Marks-100, 50 for theory test and 50 for assignment.

Practicum. (Number of hours-12), Total Marks-100, 60 for Dissertation and 40 for two technical Reports

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Six Months Training on Advanced Applied Psychometrics with Intervention Approach.

Subject: Invitation to Join Online Six Months Training on Advanced Applied Psychometrics with Intervention Approach.

Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT), a registered academic trust under the Indian Trust Act, 1882, has successfully completed seven terms of its Applied Psychometrics course and is now launching the 8th batch.

Course Overview:
The course is designed to provide advanced education in applied psychometrics measurement and intervention models through a comprehensive six-month online training program. Participants will have the opportunity to develop proficiency in psychometric data analysis, research methods, statistical analysis using R-Studio, intervention techniques, and practical skills through a practicum.

Post training:

After this course, trainees will develop expertise in psychometric data analysis, questionnaire construction, and application of psychological tests across different settings and increasing realibilityand validity of the tests through different intervention techniques. 

The syllabus includes modules covering 1.Introduction to Advanced Applied Psychometrics.
2. Research Methods for data collection 
3. 3.Foundation Statistics with R-Studio, 
4. Intervention Techniques
5.  Practicum.

Who Can Join:
This course is open to post-graduate students in Psychology & allied sciences, faculties, teachers, and research scholars.

Course Details:

Time: 8:00 to 9:00 PM
Duration: 1st April to 2nd September 2024, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Registration Fees: Rs. 15,000 non-refundable before 29th March and Rs. 18,000 after 29th March. Installment scheme is available(30%,20%,20%, 30%)
Seats: Limited to 10 participants
Certificate: Participation Certificate with marksheet will be provided upon course completion
Form Link:

Participants will benefit from a variety of resources, including a psychometric lab, online video library, trained faculties, webinar presentations, journal publications, feedback and support, study material, Google classroom, and a WhatsApp group.

Payment Details:
Payment should be made in favor of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust, using the following bank details:
Account number: 920020072908427
IFSC Code: UTIB0000236

Contact Us:
For any inquiries or to register for the course, please contact Dr. Rama Manna, our academic coordinator, at +919903542602.

We invite you to join us on this enriching journey of learning and growth in the field of applied psychometrics. Secure your spot today and take the next step in advancing your career and expertise.

Warm regards,
Dr. D. Dutta Roy
President, Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT)

Sunday, March 17, 2024

career counseling test

To assess the reliability and validity of a career choice assessment based on the Holland model using pictures, you can follow these steps:

Reliability Assessment:

Test-Retest Reliability: Administer the assessment to the same group of individuals on two separate occasions and compare their scores to see if they are consistent over time.
Internal Consistency: Use statistical techniques like Cronbach's alpha to measure the consistency of responses across different items within the assessment. This helps ensure that the items are measuring the same underlying construct.
Validity Assessment:

Content Validity: Ensure that the assessment adequately covers all aspects of Holland's model. This can be achieved by having experts in career counseling or vocational psychology review the assessment items to confirm they represent the dimensions of the model.
Construct Validity: Determine whether the assessment accurately measures the constructs it claims to measure. You can use techniques like factor analysis to examine the underlying structure of the assessment and confirm that it aligns with Holland's model.
Criterion-Related Validity: Compare the scores obtained from the assessment with external criteria, such as performance in relevant occupations or other validated career assessments, to establish whether the assessment accurately predicts career outcomes.
Pilot Testing:

Before administering the assessment widely, conduct pilot testing with a small group of individuals to identify any potential issues with the instructions, format, or items. This can help refine the assessment before conducting larger-scale reliability and validity analyses.
Data Analysis:

Analyze the data collected from the reliability and validity studies using appropriate statistical methods. This may include calculating correlation coefficients, conducting factor analyses, and performing regression analyses, among others.

Interpret the results of the reliability and validity analyses to determine the overall quality of the assessment. Consider whether any adjustments or revisions are necessary based on the findings.
By following these steps, you can assess the reliability and validity of your career choice assessment based on the Holland model using pictures, ensuring that it provides accurate and useful information for individuals seeking guidance in their career decisions.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Credit course meaning

Total credits of the Course = 4* *As per UGC Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes ( https://www., a one credit of tutorial work means one-hour engagement per week. In a semester of 15 weeks duration, a one credit tutorial in a course is equivalent to 15 hours of engagement. A one credit course in practicum or lab work, community engagement and services, and field work in a semester means two-hour engagement per week. In a semester of 15 weeks duration, a one credit practicum in a course is equivalent to 30 hours of engagement. The proposed number of credits per course and the credit distribution are suggestive and the HEIs may decide on course credits and distribution over 6/8 semesters in a manner that will facilitate the students to meet the minimum credit requirements