Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Statistical infographics

Definition of Statistics and Statistical Diagram 

Statistical Infographic Explanation
Statistical infographics 

Statistical infographics are visual representations of data and statistics that are used to communicate complex information in a clear and concise manner. They use a combination of images, charts, graphs, and text to present data in a way that is easily understandable and accessible to a broad audience.

Some popular types of statistical infographics include bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, and flow diagrams. The goal of these infographics is to highlight key trends, patterns, and insights in the data, making it easier for viewers to grasp the information being presented.

Statistical infographics can be used in a variety of settings, including business, journalism, education, and marketing. They are particularly useful for presenting data-driven insights in a compelling and memorable way, and can help to convey complex information to a non-technical audience.

When creating a statistical infographic, it's important to ensure that the visual representation accurately reflects the data, and to provide context and explanation for the information being presented. Additionally, it's important to keep the design simple, clear, and easy to understand, and to choose colors, fonts, and images that enhance the visual appeal of the infographic and make the information more engaging for the viewer.

Crime infographics are visual representations of crime data and statistics used to communicate information about crime trends, patterns, and types of crimes. They use a combination of images, charts, graphs, and text to present data in a way that is easily understandable and accessible to a broad audience.

Some popular types of crime infographics include maps showing crime hot spots, bar graphs showing changes in crime rates over time, and pie charts showing the distribution of different types of crimes. The goal of these infographics is to provide a comprehensive and visual understanding of crime in a specific area, helping to shed light on crime trends and patterns, and to inform crime prevention and response strategies.

Crime infographics can be used by law enforcement agencies, government organizations, non-profit organizations, and media outlets to communicate information about crime to the public. They can also be used to educate the public about crime trends, patterns, and types of crimes, and to help build community awareness and engagement in crime prevention efforts.

When creating a crime infographic, it's important to ensure that the data being used is accurate and up-to-date, and to provide context and explanation for the information being presented. Additionally, it's important to keep the design simple, clear, and easy to understand, and to choose colors, fonts, and images that enhance the visual appeal of the infographic and make the information more engaging for the viewer.

The term statistics is defined in many ways by various authors. The term holds its origin from the Latin word “Statisticum collegium” that stands for council of state, later it changed into the Latin word “Status” that means a group  tq numbers or figures, the Italian word “Statista” (statesman) and German: “statistic” that means (Analysis of data about the state). This shows that originally statistics were used for governmental purposes. However, later the usefulness of statistics in the real-world experiences increasingly became important. The term statistics therefore, refers to the science of collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting various data. It is a science of how data are collected, analyzed and interpreted. Statistics deals with data. It is very necessary to understand the meaning of the term data. Data is a word used to mean the information used as a foundation for reasoning, discussing and calculating. This implies that statistics and data go hand in hand. Importance of statistical graphs and diagrams. Statistical graphs and diagrams play a key role in infographics
Importance of Infographics. 

They are needed in various aspects of human activities in this 21st century. They are important in the following ways: 1. Infographics helps students to summarize huge and a wide range of information for future analysis. 
 2. The criminologists  can identify and interpret the relationship existing between various variables. For example, the relationship between the breach of trust and economic crime.
3. Facilitate easy understanding of various geographical variables and clearly show the trend and variations of criminal activities. 4. Statistical diagrams and graphs enable the learners to acquire various skills such as analytical skills, interpretation and presentation of crime data. Such skills can be used in other areas after the course. 5. Most of statistical diagrams and graphs enable the students and forensic psychologist to save time as data is being recorded down. 6. Statistical graphs and diagrams provide a good and attractive visual impression. 7. The data contained thereon the statistical graphs and diagrams, are used in making effective decisions. Therefore, logical judgmental conclusions are made based on factual data. 8. Statistical diagrams and graphs facilitate easy memory of the reader or students/forensic Researchers. Data and geographical information presented on diagrams and graphs are easily remembered than the data presented in a descriptive manner. 9.
It helps in predicting the future events.

Role of IEC
Information, education and communication (IEC) combines strategies, approaches and methods that enable individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities to play active roles in developing awareness for prevention of crime.

The steps which need to be taken for the development of an effective IEC programme are as follows: Planning; Preparatory Activities and Materials Development; Dissemination and Utilization, and - Monitoring and Evaluation.

 achieving, protecting and sustaining their own health.


Statistical infographics


Application is invited by Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) for the certificate course on ' Statistical infographics in Crime study '. 

About the course:  Statistical infographics in Crime research is innovation for prevention of crime in society. It provides graphical distribution about description and relational patterns of different crimes.The resource persons from the institute and external sources will  teach *fundamental statistic, R-studio, Relevant R- script  Crime theory, Crime Data analysis, Data Visualization and Canva.

Important dates


1. Registration starts: 24.1.23

2. Registration closes: 5.2.23

3. Probable date for class starts: 7.2.23

Certificate: E-certificate will be in March.

Registration form

SEATS:  10

Duration: One month online and google classroom

Qualification: Post-graduates in Psychology and Allied Sciences including Statistics, Mass communication, Forensic Sciences, Criminology, Seats: 10. Registration: Rs. 2 thousands through online payment and Rs. 2,500 after 28/01/2023. Registration fee includes tuition fees and infrastructure development costs. Payment to: Payment in favor of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. Account number: 920020072908427, IFSC Code:- UTIB0000236 , AXIS BANK, DUNLOP (KOLKATA).






Fundamental Statistics: Scales of measurement, types of data, Central tendency, Variability, Mean difference, Distance matrix, Correlation, Best fit line.



Graphical representation of data: Graphs in general; Stem-leaf plot, Line chart, Bar chart, Histogram, Pie chart,  Box-Whisker plot, QQ plot, index plot, scatterplot, Mean difference plots



Canva and Infographics:

Mass communication through Canva and practical Infographics.



Methodology involves the collection and analysis of accurate data or facts. 

respect to criminology, this comprises information such as the following: How much

crime is there? Who commits crime? How do commissions of crime or definitions of

crime vary? If the facts regarding crime are provided by defective models, they will

be in error, and then theories or attempted explanations of this incorrectly described

reality will most certainly be misdirected.

In the social sciences, there at times exists a chasm between those who are pri-

marily interested in theory or broad conceptual analysis, analogous to philosophy,

and those who are methodologists. Theory devoid of method, explanation without

accurate supportive data, is just as much a dead end as method devoid of interpretive

theory. The former resembles armchair theorizing, the latter a fruitless bookkeeping

operation. In reality, to realize mature development, criminology needs both incisive

theory and sound, accurate methodology. This chapter on methodology identifies

the research base on which the findings presented in this book rest and points out

their relative strengths and shortcomings.


Ethics in Criminological Research

Because it is part of the social sciences, the subject matter of criminology is different in kind from

that of the physical sciences. The latter concentrates on physical facts (e.g., how is the human

brain different from the mouse brain?), whereas criminology’s subject matter—crime, criminal

behavior, victims, and the criminal justice system—is concerned with human behavior, attitudes,

groups, and organizations. Like physical science investigations, criminological inquiry must be

concerned with its potentially adverse impacts on human subjects.

Ultimately, ethical conduct in research is an individual responsibility tied into deep moral

judgments; a blind adherence to any checklist grossly oversimplifies a very complex decision.

Until recently, the fields of criminology and criminal justice relied on the codes of ethics of par-

ent fields such as sociology or psychology for guidance. Beginning in 1998, however, both the

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) and the American Society of Criminology (ASC)

began compiling a code of ethics. The ACJS adopted a code of ethics that year, and the ASC con-

tinues to explore the issue. Although space does not permit full discussion of each, the guidelines

of both of these codes of ethics include the following (ACJS, 1998):

Researchers should

• Strive for the highest technical standards in research

• Acknowledge limitations of research

• Fully report findings

• Disclose financial support and other sponsorship

• Honor commitments

• Make data available to future researchers

• Not misuse their positions as fraudulent pretext for gathering intelligence

In addition:

• Human subjects have the right to full disclosure of the purposes of the research.

• Subjects have the right to confidentiality. This requires the researcher to protect the

identity of his or her subject.

• Research should not expose subjects to more than minimal risk. If risks are greater than

the risks of everyday life, then informed consent must be obtained.

• Researchers should avoid privacy invasion and protect vulnerable populations.

• All research should meet with human subject protection requirements imposed by edu-

cational institutions and funding sources.

• Researchers should properly acknowledge the work of others.

• Criminologists have an obligation not to create social injustice such as discrimination,

oppression, or harassment in their work.

Tagore Views on Crime

Rabindranath Tagore views on Crime occurrence 

Rabindranath Tagore, a Nobel Prize-winning Indian poet, playwright, and philosopher, had a strong belief in the power of education and morality to prevent crime. He believed that the root cause of crime lies in ignorance, poverty, and social inequality, and that it can only be prevented through the spread of education and the promotion of morality and ethic.

Ignorance leads to accepting superstition.Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality, that one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events. It often involves magical thinking, where a person believes that they can influence events or control outcomes through specific actions or rituals.Rabindranath Tagore was against superstition. In ' Debotar gras ', Tagore pointed at how superstition causes crime. Here is superstition is related to ' God's desire to keep the promise '. Read the poem.

You tube link


Society has hierarchical Structure. The structural hierarchy of society refers to the ways in which power, status, and resources are distributed among different groups and individuals within a society. This hierarchy can have a significant impact on the nature and extent of crime within a society.

In societies with high levels of inequality, those at the bottom of the structural hierarchy are often more likely to experience poverty, unemployment, and other social and economic disadvantages that can increase their likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior. At the same time, those at the top of the hierarchy may have more resources and opportunities to engage in white-collar or corporate crimes, such as fraud and embezzlement.

In ' Dui bigha jami ' and ' Ajat shatru ', Rabindranath Tagore has shown how structural hierarchy leads to make crime. Tagore highlighted misuse of power for crime activities.

Dui Bigha Jomi (Two Bighas of Land) is perhaps one of the most famous poems in Bangla literature. Written from the perspective of a farmer who was displaced from his land by a landlord, the poem depicts the centuries-old cycle of oppression by the powerful on the farmers of not only rural Bengal, but perhaps in societies across the the world. Dui Bigha Jomi is the tale of a man who has lost it all, and so descriptive of rural Bengal that it is a must-read for every Bangalee.

Rabindranath Tagore, (a Nobel Prize-winning poet, playwright, and philosopher from India. He was a polymath who excelled in various fields, including literature, music, and painting.) "Debotar Gras" is one of his famous poems, written in Bengali, and has been translated into many languages.

Tagore in 'Debotar Gras' focused on superstition and ignorance about the truth as the determinant of crime. 


Debotar Gras" is a poem written by Rabindranath Tagore, a Nobel Prize-winning poet, playwright, and philosopher from India. He was a polymath who excelled in various fields, including literature, music, and painting. "Debotar Gras" is one of his famous poems, written in Bengali, and has been translated into many languages.

In his writings, Tagore criticized the justice system of his time for its reliance on punishment as a means of correcting criminal behavior, and argued that a better approach would be to address the underlying causes of crime, such as poverty and ignorance. He believed that the focus should be on educating individuals and transforming society, rather than solely punishing offenders

Tagore also emphasized the importance of compassion and empathy in dealing with crime, and believed that society should strive to understand and help those who have committed crimes, rather than simply punishing them. He believed that a more compassionate and understanding approach would lead to a more just and equitable society

In conclusion, Rabindranath Tagore's views on crime were rooted in his belief in the power of education and morality to prevent it, and his critique of the justice system's focus on punishment as a means of correcting criminal behavior. He believed in a more compassionate and understanding approach to dealing with crime and its causes.

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