Saturday, July 30, 2022

Project proposal on writing activity based training manual on School Psychology

Project Proposal for Internship opportunity in School Psychology


Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) was initiated its journey on 1st July, 2018. Within these 4 years of duration the Trust establish itself as premier institute to propagate the vision of Rabindranath Tagore and postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy through virtual network system.

It is research-led, future-oriented school, focused on developing a new generation of thought leaders. This neo-research institute is Virtual research institute registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882. Currently this institute has more than 100 certified students. This institute is constantly engaged in dissemination of knowledge through short term and long term academic courses, internships, micro-internships, seminars, webiners and workshops. Students are trained here by internal and external faculties. This institute always offers skill development courses for students and professionals under leadership of academic assistants, and the academic council of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust plays critical role in every academic activities and researches.

Executive Summary:

School Psychology, a general practice of Health Service Psychology, is concerned with children, youth, families, and the schooling process. School psychologists are prepared to intervene at the individual and system levels, and develop, implement and evaluate programs to promote positive learning environments for children and youth from diverse backgrounds, and to ensure equal access to effective educational and psychological services that promote health development.

Core knowledge is rooted in psychology and education and includes knowledge of psychoeducational assessment and diagnosis, intervention, prevention, health promotion, and program development focusing on children and youth development with the context of schools, families and other systems.

Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) is one of those few educational institutes, which offers learning opportunity to students and professionals on emerging fields of psychology and equipped them with relevant applicable skills.  During 6 month’s Online certificate course on School Psychology (January –June 2022) the institute has developed quality educational materials on different domain of school psychology for students. These study materials demands to be archived and make accessible for other students and professional of school psychology field. More academic resources are need to be developed in School Psychology

Project design



To create activity based training manual for 7 chapters of school psychology namely


  • Introduction to School Psychology and Rabindrik Psychotherapy

  • Child development and life skills  

  • Role of School Psychologist in Inclusive Education.

  • Basic counselling skills and self-care for school psychologists

  • Professional Ethics

  • Statistical Methods and R programming. 

  • Psychometric Theories and Testing. 



2. Duration: 

3 months. August 2022 – October 2022



3. Justification: 

Currently, there is no activity based training manual of school psychology. This project will fulfil the needs. 


4. Method: 

Initially one advertisement will be prepared to select candidates. Next, there will be selection process to select 5 candidates having experience in writing training manual. Selected candidates will be trained with school psychology for one month. Examination will be held after one month training. Selected candidates will be provided paid internship of Rs. 1000 per month. Each week evaluation will be made.

Finally the final training manual will be submitted to the Expert of RPRIT. 


5. Time line

Advertisement Circulation in social media

1st -6th August, 2022

Selection: Interested candidates will be meet virtually for selection

7th August (Sunday 8-9pm)

Training: One month Training on School Psychology (Twice a week class on evening schedule)

Till 3rd  September


4th September

Preparation of Manual

Till 8TH October

Submission of 1st Draft

9th October

Review meeting

16th October

Final Submission of manual

23rd October


6. Budget

Payment to Trainer (1)

Rs. 1000/- per month

1X1000X3 = Total Rs.3000/-

Payment to Interns (2)

Rs. 1000/- per month

2X1000X3 = Total Rs.6000/-


Rs. 1000/-


Rs. 10,000/-

Expected outcome

  • 2 intern will be trained to develop quality academic resources on school Psychology

  • Detail Study Material will be developed on  - 1.Child development and life skills, 

2. Role of School Psychologist in Inclusive Education. 3. Basic counselling skills and self-care for school psychologists, 4.Psychometric Theories and Testing in School Psychology

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