Friday, June 17, 2022

Content writing Training on Applied Psychometrics

The reasons for choosing a career in web content writing are plenty. The most important thing is that it gives you the flexibility of working at your own pace, convenience, and ambiance.  It is a permanent part of Digital Marketing efforts.

Web Content writing 
Content writing is the process of planning, writing and editing web content, typically for digital teaching purposes. It can include writing blog posts and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts, as well as content for specific platforms.

Video scripts, Email newsletters, Keynote speech, Social media posts, Podcast titles,
Web page copy, You tube video descriptions.

Applied Psychometrics 
Applied Psychometrics is a scientific discipline concerned with the construction of measurement models for psychological construct in problem solving or in decision making. It is context specific research.

Psychometrics in career counseling, guidance, selection, training, placement, Work motivation, job analysis, Psychometrics in Millitary Research, Psychological test construction in School, Health and Forensic Psychology, Psychometrics in Environmental management, measurement invariance, Differential validity.

Proposed project includes writing scripts for  You tube video description. No of words will be 300 maximum for each video. If you can complete 1000 words for 3 videos, you will get Rs.500.

Payment to 

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