Thursday, February 17, 2022

RPRIT Micro internship

*RPRIT Micro internship*

RPRIT is registered non profit making  academic trust aiming at dissemination of knowledge about Rabindrik Psychotherapy through various skill development courses. Our financial source is registration fee for our Academic courses. 

RPRIT micro internship is one week program under one course co-ordinator. Course co-ordinator will be responsible to the deliverable products to RPRIT. Course co-ordinator will submit the project related to development of RPRIT.

*Project amount*: Course co-ordinator will get Rs.1000 for the same through online payment system. 

*Project quality*: Each project should be scaleable or should have measurable outcome. Project should satisfy RPRIT needs. 

*Project format*
1. Project title
2. Project objectives:
3. Starting date:
4. Deliverable date:
5. Time line
6. No. of trainees.
7. G-pay/Paytm/Phonepe

Example 1
1. Project title: Content writing on RPRIT YouTube videos.
2. Project objectives: To write content s of 50 RPRIT You tube videos.
3. Starting date: 21st February, 2022.
4. Deliverable date: 27th February, 2022.
5. Time line: Team formation (1 day), Work distribution (1day), Content writing (4 days), Product delivery (1day).
6.No.of trainees: 5 graduate students. 

Example 2
1. Project title: To conduct workshop on Inclusive Education
2.Project objectives: To invite 2 speakers and 50 people for online workshop.
3.Starting date: 21st February, 2022.
4. Deliverable date: 27th February, 2022.
5. Time line: 5 member Team formation (1 day), Work distribution (1day), Content writing and inviting resource persons and people(4 days), Workshop organization (1day).
6.No.of trainees: 5 graduate students. 

 #team #work #development #internship #formation #psychotherapy #contentwriting #project

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