Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Psychology in Drawing

 Psychology in drawing 


Paper 1: 

Drawing: Definition of Drawing, Importance and scope. Differences from other therapies. Goodenough theory, Picture drawing test theory and assessment.

Paper 2

Drawing & Personality: Theories: Color theory by Carl Jung, Theories of Color therapy, Psycho-social development theory by Erik Erikson, Theory of projection. Flow theories of Rabindrik Psychotherapy. Drawing & stress: Stress, types of stress, Theories of stress, Measurement of life events.

Paper 3:

Drawing & Cognitive function: Central executive function, Baddley’s theory of working memory, Divergent and convergent theory of creativity.

Paper 4:

Drawing & Disability: Disability, Characteristics, types and how drawing can improve cognitive, social and communication skills in disability.

Paper 5: Project

* Evaluation through Written test, Viva-voce.

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