Monday, February 17, 2020

Drawing therapy

Title : Drawing therapy

2. Course description : Drawing therapy includes symbolic representation of self and goal setting in the non threatening environment. It is the journey from Murta to Saraswat layer of consciousness.

3. Learning outcomes : Knowledge about application of drawing therapy tools  (DAP, HTP), theories ( Central executive function, Behavior regulation,
Theory of Projection, Consciousness layer dynamics, flow, Neuro Plasticity, Brain and Drawing) and techniques (Test administration, data collection and analysis) in clinical and non clinical settings.

4. Course time : Saturday, 3-5 pm.

5. Organized by and venue :Rabindrik psychotherapy Research institute, 3C/2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata-700002. Landmark : Opposite of the main gate of Rabindrabharati University, B.T.Road campus.

6. Important dates
A. Registration : 15.5.2020
B. Course starts : 6.6.2020
C. Course ends : 22.8. 2020
D. Certificate : 29.8.2020

7. Qualification : Completed graduation in Psychology.

8. Pedagogy : Drawing, painting, lecture and demonstration.

9. Course fee :Non-refundable Rs 3000 for each month. Total is Rs 9000

10. Resource persons : Professionals in the respective field and  Internal faculties.

9. Contact : Eshita Pal, Academic assistant, Ph: 760585 4180

Friday, February 14, 2020

3-month Study skills for children with and without special needs in Primary education.

Level II

1.Course title and short description: Study skills for children with and without special needs in Primary education. 
2. Topics :

1.Executive function and self regulatory learning. 
2.Bloom's Taxonomy 3.Study skills - Sq3r,  Mind mapping etc 
4.Preparing lesson Plan for implementing study skills
5.Programme Learning
6.Remedial measures for maths problem and writing essay or building vocabulary
7.Study cycle and forgetting curve ,
8.S tudy habits and time mamgement, 
9.Test taking guide.

3. Background : Teaching to children with special needs requires a deep understanding of behavior and cognitive development, classroom management methods and specific instructional strategies. This course is designed
to satisfy the above purpose for enhancing inclusive education, make learning funfilled  and crub stress of study.

4. Organized by :Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute, 3C/2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata-700002 (opposite of Rabindrabharati University, B.T.Road campus). 

5. Who can apply? : Special educators, School counselors, School Psychologists, Project workers, Mental health workers, Parents of children with special needs. Applicant must be skilled in
Rabindra sangeet, music, dance, drama and painting. Good writing skill is preferred. 

6. Educational Qualification : Post graduation in any subject. 

7.Duration :  February  to April, 2020. 3 to 5 PM only on Sunday. That is 2 hours per week. 

8. Certificate : Competency certificate will be provided. Regular examination will be held. Students have to submit one project report with 25 pages of A4 size. HANDS ON EXPERIENCE 

9. Course fee : There will be two options. First is One time non refundable Rs 6000 to be paid in cash. Second option is payment by instalment (Rs 2000 per month). For sponsored candidates, Rs 6000 only in cash. The amount will be used for tuition and infrastructure costs. 

10. Venue :Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute, 3C /2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata-700002 (opposite of Rabindrabharati University, B.T.Road campus).

11. Registration : 

12. Important dates :

1. Online application starts- 1.2.2020
2. Application ends-07.02.2020
3. Confirmation Letter-08.02.2020
4. Class starts: 09.02.2020

13. Resource persons : Internal and external experts of the Institute.

14. No. of seats : Not more than 10.

15.ACADEMIC ASSISTANT: Ms.Sucharita Dutt



1.Course name: 3-month Study skills for children with and without special needs in Primary education. 

2. Topics : 
2.1.Executive learning and self regulation. 
2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy. 
2.3 Study skills - Sq3r,  Mind mapping. 
2.4 Preparing lesson Plan for implementing study skills. 
2.5 Programme Learning
2.6 Remedial measures for maths problem and writing essay or building vocabulary
2.7.Study cycle and forgetting curve ,
2.8.S tudy habits and time mamgement, 
2.9.Test taking guide.

3. Background : Teaching to children with special needs requires 
 a deep understanding of behavior and cognitive development, classroom management methods and specific instructional strategies. This course is designed
to satisfy the above purpose 
for enhancing inclusive education, make learning funfilled  and crub stress of study. Make LEARNER AUTONOMOUS.

4. Organized by :Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute, 3C/2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata-700002 (opposite of Rabindrabharati University, B.T.Road campus). 

5. Who can apply? : Special educators, School counselors, School Psychologists, Project workers, Mental health workers, Parents of children with special needs. Applicant must be skilled in
Rabindra sangeet, music, dance, drama and painting. Good writing skill is preferred. 

6. Educational Qualification : Post graduation in any subject. 

7.Duration :  February  to April, 2020. 3 to 5 PM only on Sunday. That is 2 hours per week. 

8. Certificate : Competency certificate will be provided. Regular examination will be held. Students have to submit one project report with 25 pages of A4 size. HANDS ON EXPERIENCE 

9. Course fee : There will be two options. First is One time non refundable Rs 6000 to be paid in cash. Second option is payment by instalment (Rs 2000 per month). For sponsored candidates, Rs 6000 only in cash. The amount will be used for tuition and infrastructure costs. 

10. Venue :Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute, 3C /2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata-700002 (opposite of Rabindrabharati University, B.T.Road campus).

11. Registration :

12. Important dates :

1. Online application starts- 1.2.2020
2. Application ends-07.02.2020
3. Confirmation Letter-08.02.2020
4. Class starts: 09.02.2020

13. Resource persons : Internal and external experts of the Institute.

14. No. of seats : Not more than 10.

15.ACADEMIC ASSISTANT: Ms.Sucharita Dutt

Rabindrik Story Therapy For Conflict Management

Psychological counseling in educational, family, and industrial settings becomes effective when it is based on story as story provides multiple characteristics and problem solving strategies. Story therapy course is mixed with three broad areas − Psychology, Literature and Performing arts. This course has been designed to integrate the above.
Learning Objectives:
After the Course Student will learn basic skills of story writing and telling for conflict management. 
Duration: March to May,2020. Only on Sunday 5P.M to 7P.M
Course Content:
MODULE 1 (March,2020)
l. Introduction to Conflict Management.
2. Indicators of anxiety and depression.
3.Introduction to Types of Short Story.
4.Introduction to Theraputic Story Characteristics.Literary analysis. 
MODULE 2 (April, 2020)
  1. Steps of Story Therapy.
  2. Beck's triad theory and dysfunctional thought management.
  3. Structured, unstructured, simulated story writing. 
  4. Rabindrik Psychotherapy postulates and human value theory.

MODULE 3 (May, 2020)
9.Therapeutic discourse, Adjectives in self-consciousness. lO. Writing drama
ll. Voice modulation for therapeutic story telling.

Lecture, demonstration, role playing, On line assignment, project submission.

Registration Open: Till 1st March Class starts: 8.3.2020.
Draft project: 10.5.2020
Final Project submission:24.5.2020 Class ends: 31.5.2020
Competency certificate distribution: 31.5.2020

Graduation or Post graduation in any Discipline

Seats: Maximum 10

Contact: Ms. Annesa Mukherjee, Academic assistant. Ph: 70445 39723

Current courses

(1) Study skills for children with and without special needs in Primary education

Short description : This is a practical course to learn and apply several study skills used for teaching children with and without special needs in primary and higher education.

(2) Rabindrik Story therapy for conflict management

Short description: Mental illness is rooted from Frustration and conflict. This course aims at disseminating knowledge about various types of conflicts and management in educational and industrial settings.

(3) Learning Rabindra sangeet

(4) Data analysis with R

(5)Career counselling (online)

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Collaboration with Asutosh Memorial Institute

Aparna Mookherjee wrote 

The proposal of our venture with Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute with Sivatosh Mookerjee Science Center under the aegis of Sir Asutosh Mookerjee Memorial Institute has been proposed formally in the Annual General meeting of AMMI held today. As a GB member of AMMI I have explained everything in details to the governing body of our institute. We have the initial verbal approval of the Secretary of AMMI, Dr. Reena Bhaduri and and are awaiting a formal approval of the Chairman of AMMI, Justice Chittatosh Mookerjee post the submission of the written proposal. The director of Sivatosh Mookerjee Science Center, Prof. Mihir Chakraborty is also interested in this proposal. 

Our venture: to introduce data analysis courses with updated practical know-how of statistical software R and help the budding researchers in the field to apply the latest technology in their study. We are also looking forward to conducting seminars and conferences to disseminate scientific knowledge amongst the research fraternity. 

As a descendant of Sir Asutosh, and a researcher myself, it is my privilege to be a part of this venture. Only knowledge is the source of upliftment of humans and we are trying to spread the knowledge along with helping the young researchers who are the future of development of the country.