Sunday, April 21, 2019

Selected abstracts for the seminar on 9th May


Tanushree Basu.
Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute.

Background: Test-retest reliability is a measure of reliability obtained by administering the same test twice over a period of time to a group of individuals.It indicates extent of response stability over time. In Rabindrik Psychotherapy one major problem is to examine the stability of flow experience across different periods. Test retest research provides two kinds of variability when test is repeated to same person. These are inter individual and inter session variability. 

Objective:To examine test-retest reliability of flow experience in Rabindra sangeet.

Method: One Rabindra sangeet was presented by the author vocally to 12 teachers twice with one week interval. The song was "Bipulo Tarongo re". Participants were requested to plot the flow experience on the flow diagram. 

Results: Flow diagram data were entered into R-programming environment. Results revealed that out of 12 participants, 6 participants possessed high test retest reliability coefficients indicating stability of flow experience. There were 10 flow conditions. 10X10 matrix by conditions between two periods indicated that coefficients were high at the initial period, later decrease and finally move up. Data analysis is going on.

Discussion: Findings are useful for understanding the mode of playing Rabindra sangeet. 



Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute

Background: Emotional self-awareness refers to the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions. Emotional self-awareness involves understanding one’s own feelings, differentiate between them and recognize the reason behind those feelings and its impact on others around them. In therapy with Rabindra sangeet, one can understand own emotions and of others. Rabindrik Psychotherapy refers to the psychotherapeutic treatment of mental illness using therapeutic postulates extracted from Rabindra Sangeet.In Rabindrik Psychotherapy using Rabindra sangeet, loci of consciousness floats across three layers of consciousness - Murta, Raag and Saraswat. Rabindra Sangeet has metaphors which determine flows or consciousness waves. This flow is studied through consciousness flow gram.

Objective: The objective of this study was to examine effect of Rabinda Sangeet on emotional self awareness.

Method: One 27 years old Bengali woman with fond of Rabindra Sangeet came to me with complaints of depression. By request, patient selected one of her favorite songs from Geetbitan, the composition of Rabindra Sangeet. The song was "Hridoyer Ekul Okul Dukul Bhese Jai Hai Sajani" which means "Either banks of my riverrine heart overflow, Tears swell up, my darling". During her singing, patient drew her feelings on consciousness flow gram.

Results: Different properties of the graphical plot such as peak, upper and lower movement, peak etc. were thoroughly analyzed. Patient was assisted to reason out the changes in the plot. Through this process, patient developed insights about causes of depression. Finally, patient was able to develop non-self orientation to more self-orientation and accepted the reality.The results are discussed with the theory of self-acceptance and mindfulness.

Key Words: Emotional Self Awareness, Rabindrik Psychotherapy, consciousness Flow gram.


Mousumi Datta and Debdulal Dutta Roy
Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute

Background: Assessing relative preference of Rabindrik Value system important for therapeutic goal settings in Rabindrik Psychotherapy.  Rabindrik psychotherapy is objective, relevant, measurable, brief, time bound as well as economic in nature. . Rabindrik human values are set of path and goal oriented positive human values extracted from the works of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore (Dutta Roy and Bandyapadhyay, 2010). Path oriented values are Self-Awakening, Emotional control, Systematic, Non self-insulting, Fearless, Cleanliness, No work-family conflict, Niskam principle, Challenging, Self-understanding, Doubtless, Free from fear of failure, Resolute, Active. Goal values are Peace, Universalization, Enlightenment, Positive Feeling, Family security, a sense of accomplishment, Pleasure, Inner Harmony, Self-Respect, Salvation, Self-empowerment, Security, Significance in Life, Altruism.

Objective: To explore the relative importance of path and goal oriented Rabindrik value system of  severely and less ill HIV positive patients.  India has the third largest HIV epidemic in the world with 2.1 million PLHIV (UNAIDS, 2017).  As per the HIV Estimation 2017 NACO annual report, National adult (15–49 years) HIV prevalence in India is estimated at 0.22%. Also adult HIV prevalence is estimated at 0.25% among males and at 0.19% among females. Among the States/UTs, in 2017, West Bengal (1.44 Lakh) ranked 5th of total estimated People Living with HIV (PLHIV). It would be pertinent to say that to increase the rate of survival among PLHIV it is necessary to emphasize more on mental health along with physical health.

Method: Rabindrik Value questionnaire (Dutta Roy and Bhaduri, 2014) was
administered to two newly detected HIV positive men. One was severely ill by the HIV related
opportunistic infections (Tuberculosis, Oral Candidiasis, chronic diarrhoea) and the other was less ill (weaknesses, weight loss, fever). Both the patients were unmarried, and had MSM (Male who have sex with male) sexual preferences. Patients were graduate and self-employed. Severely ill patient was 35 years old. Other was 28 years.  The data were collected from the urban
area. The patients were instructed to rate each of the path and goal oriented Rabindrik Values
with respect to relative importance of values on their personal lives.

ResultBoth the patients assigned similar score on path values like, fearless (Mean=4), challenging (Mean=4), active (Mean=4), emotion control (Mean=3), free from fear of failure (Mean=3). Overall the average value of Mean was 3.43 with SD 1.03. The values scored above the mean by less ill patient were self-awakening, systematic, fearless, no work family conflict, challenging, doubtless & active. The path values of severely ill patient falls above the mean were fearless, cleanliness, challenging, self-understanding, doubtless, resolute & active. Both the clients were undecided about their emotion control, non-insulting to self, challenging fear from failure values. Both of them rated doubtless & active value as more important. The path values fall below the mean for both the patients were self-insulting, NISKAM principle. The value dramatically differ between them were systematic, cleanliness, no work family conflict. 
       In case of goal values the patients assigned similar score on peace (Mean=4), inner harmony (Mean=4), self-empowerment (Mean=4) & security (Mean=5). Their overall Mean and SD values were 3.57 & 1.17 accordingly. The goal values fall above the mean for the less ill patients were peace, positive feelings, a sense of accomplishment, pleasure, inner harmony, self-empowerment, security. The path values scored above the mean by the severely ill patient were peace, universalization, enlightenment, family security, a sense of accomplishment, pleasure, inner harmony, salvation, self-empowerment, security, and significance in life. The goal value falls below the mean for both patients were self-respect and altruism. The values differs between them were universalization, enlightenment, salvation, significance in life.

DiscussionResults were discussed with current ailments of HIV positive patients. With the identification of important path and  goal values it would be easy to deal with the chronic nature of illness of PLHIV. A psychotherapeutic goal would be set to act purposefully and rationally to encourage those areas (challenging, self-empowerment, security) which seemed most important to them as well those areas which were clouded and needed work to clear the obscurity like self-respect, emotional control and fear of failure. These values regulate positive mental health among PLHIV patients. It enabled them to accept themselves (Rabindrik Psychotherapy help to construct or reconstruct cognition) which would leave a positive impact on their health as well as discard the resistance to recovery. Rabindrik Psychotherapy is specific & auto-suggestive; songs itself would create a positive goal which enabled the patients to find the cure & ultimate freedom in Rabindra Sangeets by themselves.  

Keywords: Path and Goal oriented Values, Rabindrik Psychotherapy

Prathana Mukherjee, MPT Paediatrics (Presenter),
Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research, Olatpur, Bairoi,
Cuttack, Odisha, India.
Background : It is seen that children, adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy have reduced cardiorespiratory endurance due to low resistance to physical activity which is a result of secondary changes caused due to CP such as reduced oxidative capacity of paretic muscle,decrease in recruitment of motor units and increased energy expenditure. Current research indicates that endurance training is an effective intervention to improve aerobic capacity in children and adolescents with CP. So, the purpose of this study is to find out the effect of aerobic exercise on 6 minute walk test, walking speed, heart rate and energy expenditure index.
Methodology: A two group experimental pre-test post-test study design was used, total of 32 children were recruited with CP were randomly allocated to two groups. Both the groups received conventional physiotherapy. Experimental group in addition, received Aerobic exercises. Intervention period was of 6 weeks duration, 5 days/week. Endurance was measured using 6MWT, Walking speed, Heart rate and EEI.
Results: Overall result shows significant changes in 6MWT, Walking speed, Heart rate and EEI in experimental group when compared to the conventional group.

Discussion: Aerobic exercise along with conventional physiotherapy brings about more improvement in cardiorespiratory endurace, walking speed, heart rate and energy expenditure than conventional physiotherapy alone.

KEY WORDS: aerobics in CP, physical activity, physical fitness, aerobic training.


Pushkar Bhattacharyya, and Abheepsa Bagchi
Asutosh College, 92 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 26

Background: From the very conception of flow state of consciousness, it has been suggested that
an unambiguous, immediate and intrinsic feedback is required in order to enter and
sustain such a state of consciousness. Indeed Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, the
psychologist credited with the coining of the term flow has stated that, in order to
create a flow it is required to have clarity of goals, keeping the reward in mind
while having immediate feedback.
Dietrich has stated that in order to achieve flow, a period of transient
hypofrontality is needed where the analytical and meta-conscious part of the
explicit system is down regulated to aid the unhindered performance of the implicit
system. This suggests that the during this period the inner critic is also down
regulated as without meta consciousness one cannot do and think over what he is
doing simultaneously. How then can the person provide intrinsic feedback if he
cannot critique what he is doing and ideas and activities simply follow one another.
Here lies the question that is intrinsic feedback absolutely essential to achieve and
sustain a state of flow.

Objective of the Study- To determine the importance of feedback in creating and
sustaining a state of flow

Method: Adults between 18-25 were selected and divided into two groups of 20 each for
this study and a mathematical proficiency test was administered. Two levels were
created for the purpose, one with feedback and one without. t- test was then
conducted to realize the importance of feedback, if any. The flow of consciousness
was plotted on a graph with the variables being proficiency and difficulty. Results
indicate that immediate and intrinsic feedback is indeed required to maintain a
state of flow.


Sanhati Panigrahi and D Dutta Roy
Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute

Background: Psychological stress refers to the emotional and physiological reactions experienced when an individual confronts a situation in which the demands go beyond their coping resources. Psychological Stress occurs due to faulty cognitions or inability to develop strategic cognitions. Person becomes anxious and depressed when personal understanding about the surroundings is not revealed. Rabindrik Psychotherapy is one of the techniques to express unexpressed emotions and cognitions through Rabindra Sangeet and associated performing arts like drawing. This study reports one single subject case study on this issue.

Method : One 24 years old unmarried woman came with complaints of depression, anxiety, loneliness, relationship problem, and worklife stress. She was introverted and inhibitive to share own problems with her close relatives. She had interest in Rabindra Sangeet. She was requested to select one song from Geetbitan, the composition of songs of Rabindranath Tagore. Next she was requested to draw what came to her during listening to chosen song.
Results: After the drawing, she reported her suppressed conflicts. she explained it- “I felt restless as well as calm in a way. I feel unsure as well of anything. Even this picture, there’s more to say or draw but I can’t. It’s sort of bursting me. But drawing makes me feel free. That never fails to give me some happiness.” Her verbatim was recorded. After 3 therapeutic sessions, she reported me that now she could manage her relationship and also maintain a good balance with her parents, work life and loved one. And this made her happy, depression and stress free.

Discussion: Findings are discussed in terms of Johari Window and flow theory of Rabindrik Psychotherapy.

Srijita Patra
Asutosh College, Kolkata

Background : Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object to which it is not literally applicable. It is a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else.
Metaphors or symbols were widely used in the writings of Rabindranath Tagore. Symbols were an integral part of his poetries and songs. In the present study the metaphor ‘light’ in Tagore’s song was analyzed.In Rabindra Sangeets ‘Light’ was used as the symbol for motivation, happiness, Divine knowledge, enlightenment and positivity.
To carry out the study, the Osgood Semantic Differential Technique was used.
Semantic Differential (SD) is a type of a rating scale designed to measure the connotive meaning of objects, events, and concepts. The connotations are used to derive the attitude towards the given object, event or concept. Osgood's Semantic Differential was an application of his more general attempt to measure the semantics or meaning of words, particularly adjectives, and their referent concepts. The respondent is asked to choose where his or her position lies, on a scale between two polar adjectives (for example: "Adequate-Inadequate", "Good-Evil" or "Valuable-Worthless"). Semantic differentials can be used to measure opinions, attitudes and values on a psychometrically controlled scale. This study aims at examining differential semantics of 'Light' and emotive values to the metaphor.

Method : In the present study, with the help of experts six of Tagore’s songs on the metaphor of   ‘light‘were chosen which have the strongest emotive value. 10 people from the age group 18 to 25 were asked to rate on the emotive value of the selected song and then their responses were analyzed and interpreted using the Osgood Semantic Differential Technique. 
The subjects were presented with the songs and were asked to rate those on a 5-point scale (in this case the semantic differential scale was used) based on how much relieving effect the songs had on them when they were stressed out or sad.
After collecting the data, the scores achieved by each song were added up and the total score of each song was calculated out of 50.

Results & Discussion : After carrying out the study it is found that the songs - ” Strange light flashed in my eyes, O my friend!/ Radiant, perhaps dweller of the sun you are!” pointing out one’s waiting for one’s beloved and meeting the lover after suffering from painful loneliness for a long time or  “The sky instilled light in me / I’ll satisfy it with my music” points one’s wish to give back the nature something because the nature has given him a lot and the song  “Bestow light to the unsighted, / Endow life to the dead” pointing out one’s  prayer to the almighty for his Devine blessings have the highest emotive value.
 Ratings of the songs (out of 50):“The sky instilled light in me/ I’ll satisfy it with my music” was rated 37/50.“The light that sings within today!” was rated 30/50.“You the essence of light come with all your brightness in my life” was rated 32/50“Light Oh! Light! / The world is vivid with light” was rated 32/50.“Bestow light to the unsighted, /Endow life to the dead” was rated 36/50.” Strange light flashed in my eyes, O my friend! / Radiant, perhaps dweller of the sun you are!” was rated 42/50.
The key words are- Rabindranath Tagore, Rabindra Sangeet, metaphor, light, Osgood Semantic Differential Technique.
Acknowledgement :  Dr. Tinni Dutta, Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Asutosh College.


Smita Dey
Research Scholar,
Indian Institute of Psychometry, Kolkata
Debdulal Dutta Roy
Psychology Research Unit
Indian Statistical Institute

Background/Need of the study: Rabindra sangeet flow diagram is graphical distribution to plot the sequence of movements of mental functions while engaged in Rabindra sangeet, songs composed by the seer poet Rabindranath Tagore (Dutta Roy, 2016). Flow diagram has few characteristics like high and low pass, amplitude, flow crest, flow periods and flow speed. These are important to understand mental operations of the individual in listening Rabindra sangeet. This study aims at examining differential patterns of flow diagrams of high and low anxious persons.

Method: The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was administered on 31 persons. 15 persons were identified as high anxious  (M=24.8,SD=2.83) and 16 as less anxious (M=14.13,SD=3.59) based upon the cut off mark. BAI was administered before presentation of Rabindra Sangeet through cell phones in the relatively sound proof room. During listening to the Sangeet, they plotted their flow experiences on one given graph paper, flow diagram.

Results: ANOVA with repeated measures showed significant Wilk's lambda = 0.02, F(24,6)=15.57,p<0.001 mean differences in flow diagram scores of high and low anxious groups. The flow wave of low anxious group was significantly higher than the high anxious persons.

Discussion: Results were discussed with respect to mental functions of anxious persons.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

R programming in Questionnaire data analysis

A. Course title :R programming in analysis of Questionnaire data for students of social and health sciences.

B. Background : Results based on reliable and valid questionnaire are more acceptable for decision making.

C. Organized by : Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute. 3c/2, G.Mondol Road, Kolkata - 2. Landmark : Opposite of Rabindrabharati University main gate, B. T. Road.

D. Time: Saturday, from 4-6 /7

E. Pedagogy :Each day has 2 hours might be extended one hour depending on the contingencies. Each day includes the theory and practical. After the course, candidates will get course completion certificates. Each candidate will design one brief questionnaire, collect data, analyze with R script and prepare one hard copy for evaluation. Teaching will be given online and face to face classroom.

F. Eligibility : Post graduation in Social and Health sciences. Able to follow online teaching and data collection.

G. Day wise schedule :

Day1. Theory : Characteristics of good questionnaire for survey. Measurement scales.
Practical : Online form preparation.

Day 2. Theory : Characteristics of good items.
Practical : Writing items of given construct. Collection of data.

Day3. Theory: Introduction to Basic statistics with R script.
Practical : Data analysis with R script.

Day 4. Theory: Introduction to Basic statistics with R script.
Practical : Data analysis with R script

Day 5. Theory : Theory of survey, sampling.
Practical : Collection of data through survey.

Day 6. Theory : Introduction to reliability theory.
Practical : Between and within subject variability with R script.

Day 7. Theory : Introduction to validity theory.
Practical : Analysis of Content validity of the Questionnaire.

Day 8. Presentation of Research paper

Day 9. Distribution of certificates.

H. Course fee : One time non refundable Rs. 3000 in cash during the joining day.

I. Online registration :

J. Seats :10

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Therapeutic postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy

1. Consciousness is free floating
‌2. It is unbound.
‌3. Do not label rather understand other's consciousness.
‌4. Consciousness is composed of three layers Murta, Raga and Saraswat.
‌5. Experience of Consciousness is like a journey from incomplete to complete across three layers.
‌6. Man is pursuer of newness.
‌7.Man is pursuer of completeness.
‌8. Searching newness makes man incomplete that acts as the driver to find out completeness.
‌9. Incomplete to complete is a cyclic process.
‌10. Image characteristics change across layers of consciousness.
‌11. Man has power to customise environment for change in consciousness layers.
‌12. Incoming images  are changed when it came out from saraswat layer.
‌13. Murta image has structure but no affect or emotion.
‌14. Raga layer based image is affected by emotion.
‌15. Saraswat image indicates harmony of object and environment.
‌16. Incoming image creates buoyant forces.
‌17. There will not  be any stigma in therapy.