Thursday, October 21, 2021

Academic Council Members Profile

About the Trust

Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) is  premier institute to propagate the vision of Reverand Rabindranath Tagore and postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy. It is research-led, future-oriented school focused on developing a new generation of thought leaders.  The trust since inception provides research based short term course curriculum. In order to maximize growth through quality education, the trust is interested to form Academic council with experts of different disciplines. 

The Council

The Academic council of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT) plays pivotal role in academic activities and research. The council is comprised of Chairman, Secretary and members having more than 10 years teaching and administrative experiences. They must be Professor or Associate Professor of the recognized university. Relaxation is for outstanding candidates. Council members can exit with six months notice before exit with valued needs. The board will be for 3 years. It may be extended following the performance of the council. 


The council has the power to give suggestions and counsels leadership based on their diverse experience and expertise to the trust on the followings:

(i) to create and evaluate academic posts of the trust.

(ii) to set priorities, plans, and strategic initiatives in areas such as innovations in teaching and learning, research initiatives throughout the arts and sciences and the professions, and efforts to enhance connections.

(iii) to institute and confer degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions.

(iv) to create proposals for cooperation with other universities, institutions and educational authorities in matters that relate to or further the educational and financial objectives of the Institute.

Members  will maintain confidentiality of advisory council discussions that invove sensitive matters. They will maintain calm and cordial atmosphere in decision making for the noble cause. Secretary of the council will act as the liaison between Academic council and the President  by setting meeting agendas and prepare minutes from each meeting.


1. Dr. Debdulal Dutta Roy.  (Chairman)

2. Dr. Rituparna Basak (Secretary)

3. Dr. Subir Nag (Member)

4. Dr. Prarthita Biswas   (Member)

5. Dr. Susmita Mukhopadhyay (Member)

6. Dr. Ishita Chatterjee (Member)



Dr. Debdulal Dutta Roy

(Ph.D.), Associate Professor & Head of the Psychology Research Unit,  Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata with more than 28 years of teaching experience, has been publishing and reviewing  numerous research papers in  peer-reviewed journals and books; guiding Ph.D candidates for decades, offering several research internships in ISI; delivering invited lectures at various national and international platforms including Japan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Dubai, Malaysia, Bangkok and Sri Lanka, and conducted several research and counseling workshops, seminars, symposiums etc., completed several projects and authored three books, the latest being  the Bengali translation of  “School Psychology in the Indian Context ''. A recipient of several prestigious awards including InSPA Rathna Award, 2021 and the state convener of InSPA, Dr Dutta Roy is the founder President of the Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust, a non-profit oriented academic trust registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882. With the aim of  spreading the awareness of School Psychology in India and abroad he has started offering courses on it in his institute and is planning to do so  in collaboration with other HEIs in West Bengal and India. E-mail id:

Members nominated by the President:

Dr. Subir Nag, an M.SC ( Bio., CU), M.A (Education, JU) and Ph D (CU) is currently the Principal of Satyapriya Roy College of Education. Having more than 30 years of teaching experience including PG and UG level in both regular and distance mode and about 14 years of experience in rendering various administrative services, Dr. Nag has contributed several research  articles in reputed publishing houses, authored many books including learning materials, acted as resource person/ chairperson in national and international seminars, conferences, symposiums etc., examined and guided Ph D, M.ED and M.A dissertations, delivered invited talks, and  has been the Vice President of All India Association of Educational Research, Vice Chancellor’s nominee in Court and Executive Council of West Bengal State University  as well as member of various significant  bodies such as Curriculum Committee; Dept. of Higher Education, WB; Academic Sub Committee, HRD Centre, CU (ASC); Autonomous committee, St. Xavier’s College; Examination & Expert Committee, WBBUTTEPA; Board of Studies, CU, WBSU, VU, BU, NSOU, Shikshan Mandir, Belur Math and so on. E-mail id:

Dr. Prarthita Biswas

Professor and Head of the Department of the School of Education, Adamas University has  more than 18 years of teaching experience, authored books on teacher education, served as a Principal of Pailan College of Education, guided 7 research scholars. Dr. Biswas did her M.A. in Modern History (with Specialization in International Relations) and M.Phil. in History from Jadavpur University. She has obtained her M.Ed. and Ph.D. from  the Dept. of Education, University of Kalyani. E-mail id:

Dr. Ishita Chatterjee

Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology (CU), Masters (Psychology) and Ph D (CU) with teaching and research experience of more than 21 years has completed projects from industries, ICSSR and UGC, has been  supervising  research scholars (PhD) for decades, published papers in reputed research journals, served as  the Head of the department of Applied Psychology for 2 years, coordinated various courses under Academic Staff College, CU, participated in and organised national and international conferences and seminars, and has been actively participating in University industry interphase as well as course designing for various national level universities. E-mail id:

 Susmita Mukhopadhyay

Associate Professor, VGSOM IIT Kharagpur (Ph D, CU& fellow, ISI Kolkata)  recipient of several prestigious awards, has research, teaching and consultancy interests in Indic perspectives of Management, Spiritual health of Organization, Leadership, Competition and Cooperation, Relationship Management, Team Building, Retirement Management, Competency Management, HR Analytics, Professional excellence, HRM, Business ethics, CSR, Self-development and effective habits and Happiness studies etc., has been guiding many PhD scholars for years,developed many NPTEL courses,served as the Principal Investigator of  Ministry funded consultancy projects, conducted short term courses, MDPs for several institutes and companies across industries,member of  the board of studies of SOMS, IIEST Shibpur and editorial board of a reputed international journal.   E-mail id:

Dr. Rituparna Basak (DasGupta)

Associate Professor of English, Siliguri B.Ed. College, an M.A in English (NBU) & Education (NSOU), M.Ed (IGNOU), Ph D (Visva Bharati University) with almost 21 years of teaching experience has co-edited a book, published papers in reputed publishing houses, completed projects granted by UGC and ICSSR, delivered invited talks as resource persons, served as Secretary, TC , IQAC Coordinator, NAAC Coordinator, Teacher Representative, GB of her college, member of Monitoring Committee and Board of Studies (B.ED. section, NBU), External  Reviewer of B.Ed. curriculum (2020-21) of CVM University, Gujarat, Language Reviewer of InSPA book on School Psychology, visiting faculty of  RPRIT and recipient of InSPA P. K. Subbaraja Trust Best Performance Award 2021.  E-mail id:  


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Certificate Course on Applied Psychometrics (l1)


About the Trust: Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust is non-profit oriented Academic trust aiming at dissemination of research based course curriculum for the welfare of nation. The trust offers educational course on Applied statistics, R-script, Psychological data collection and psychometrics through sort term courses. 

Course Background:   As defined by the US National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), psychometrics refers to psychological measurement. Generally, it refers to the specialist fields within psychology and education devoted to testing, measurement, assessment, and related activities. Psychometricians usually possess a specific qualification, and most are psychologists with advanced graduate training in test interpretation, psychometrics, and measurement theory. In addition to traditional academic institutions, many psychometricians work for the government or in human resources departments. In social science research, this is important for assessing attitude, abilities, aptitudes, knowledge, Personality, temperament, motivation etc.  Psychometric skills are essential for psychological test construction, assessing reliability, validity and test standardization. Completion of the course will help to join research internship of the trust. Trust provides research internship on literature review and questionnaire construction. Psychometric tests are important for Psychological counselling, selection, training and placement. This course will focus on Psychometrics only. Successful candidates will be offered knowledge about descriptions of different Psychological test at the next level. 

Scope: This two-month online course offers comprehensive knowledge about Psychometric theories and applications at the basic level. It includes practicum of different disciplines of Psychology that helps in understanding both theory and applications.After completion of the couse, students will understand advanced psychometric methods. 

Admission procedure: Applicant first pay the non-refundable amount and register using registration link. 

Link for registration:

Course design: Course provides both theoretical knowledge and application using 5 practicums related to item anlaysis, test-retest reliability, validity, norm estimation etc.

Eligibility: PG qualified  or currently pursuing PG in Social sciences (Psychology, Education, Sociology, Human resource Management, Finance). Basic knowledge about statistics  is important but not mandatory.

Seats: 10

Period:2 month (November and December, November is for learning theories and December is for practicum).

Class hours: The course will follow blended learning in which both offline and online training will be provided. Each online class will be one hour - Monday and Friday from 8 to 9 PM. Online classes will be held in zoom or Google meet. Google classroom will be used for note sharing and evaluation. 


Paper 1: Introduction to Psychometrics and applications - Historical foundations, Measurement scales, Key words, Characteristics of Good Psychological test, Applications in different disciplines. 

Practicum 1: Describing Reading motivation questionnaire and case interpretation. 

Paper 2: Construct, concept, theory and Items - Direct and Indirect observation. Item difficulty, item discrimination, item validity, item characteristics curve.  

Practicum2: Item statistics of environmental attitude questionnaire and case interpretation. 

Practicum3: Assessing test-retest reliability of Rabindrik value questionnaire.

Paper 3: Reliability techniques and assessment - Theories, Test-retest, Alternative, Internal consistency, factors affecting reliability.

Practicum3: Assessing test-retest reliability of Rabindrik value questionnaire.

Paper 4: Validity techniques and assessment :Content, Predictive, Construct and Differential validity. 

Practicum4: Assessing differential validity of Psychological test.

Paper 5: Test standardization - Subjectivity-Objectivity, Norm. 

Practicum5: Classification of cases by norm estimation.

Each paper carries 16 marks. Total marks is (5 papers X  16 marks )=80.  First month will be theory and next month will be practicum. 

Practicum includes assignment and viva-voce.  It carries 20 marks. Assignments are case analysis with given questionnaire on five topics in education, organizational behavior, health, forensic and environmental issues. So total marks will be 100.

Registration: Rs. 2800 for payment before  25th October. Rs.3000 for payment after 25th October. Payment is Non-refundable. Amount will be used for infrastructure development of the trust. 

Account number:  920020072908427, UTIB0000236, in favor of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. Please write payee name or you can pay by QR code. Click here

Certificate: Course completion certificate will be given with mark sheet by the Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute trust.

Resource persons: Internal and external faculties of the Institute.

Contact Academic assistants: 

  • Aayushi Soral, 7688812527
  • Rupali Rawat, +91 98119 20838

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Courses of the Institute

Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust regularly offers Need based Course under the supervision of One Project linked Academic assistant. Academic assistant should be post graduate in first class, sincere in managing academic administration. It facilitates to be academic leader.

Besides, Academic assistant, teaching assistant can offer the course provided candidate has proficiency in the subject. Educational Qualifications will be Post Graduate but not necessarily first class in PG.

Academic assistant can earn Rs. 10k per month with good course design. Collaborative course is always encouraged. 

Here, many courses have been started and discontinued due to lack of Academic assistant. Each course is composed of specific academic needs and research interests of the institute. Each course facilitates ideology of Rabindranath Tagore. 

If you are interested to be academic assistant, your function will be submission of biodata with adequate qualifications and project plan.

Courses (Course name, period, Academic assistant, sessions, current status)

  1. Applied Psychometrics (L1), 2 months, Ms. Aayushi Soral, To be started
  2. School counselling in Early childhood, 3 months, Ms. Somdyuti Roy , 2 sessions, Continuing.
  3. Forensic Psychology (L1), 3 months, Ms. Meghmala Mukherjee, 2 sessions, Continuing.
  4. Forensic Psychology (L2), 3 months, Mr. Pravesh Charan Isai, 2 sessions, Continuing.
  5. Kathak dance in Rabindrik Psychotherapy, 3 months, Ms.Alokparna Roy,  2 sessions, Temporary stop.
  6. Rabindrik Story Therapy For Conflict Management, 2 months, Ms.Annesa Mukherjee, 9 sessions, Temporary stop.
  7.  Profile Matching based career counseling , 1 month, Ms.Soumitri Bag, 2 sessions, Temporary stop.
  8. Rabindra Sangeet based Clinical Music Therapy, 3 months, Ms. Debjani Banerjee, 1 session.
  9. Attitude scale construction for Measuring Pro-environmental Environmental attitude3 months, Ms. Irene Chattopadhyay, 1 session, Temporary stop
  10. Drawing therapy, 3 months, Ms. Eshita Pal, 2 sessions, Temporary stop.
  11. Data Science in Statistical approach (Level 1), Certificate based Saturday course., 1 month, Mr. Aditya Chakraborty, 2 sessions, Temporary stop. 

Courses from 5-11 (7 courses) are temporarily discontinued due to lack of Academic assistants.


List of the course, select your course and click on course name

List of the course

Course name Duration Academic Assistant Status
School counselling in Early childhood 3 months Ms. Somdyuti Roy 2 sessions,Continuing
Forensic Psychology (L1) 3 months Ms. Meghmala Mukherjee 2 sessions,Continuing
KATHAK DANCE IN RABINDRIK PSYCHOTHERAPY (August-October, 2020) 3 months Ms.Alokparna Roy 2 sessions completed. To be started again
Career counselling 1 month Ms.Soumitri Bag 2 sessions,Discontinued
Rabindra Sangeet based Clinical Music Therapy 3 months Ms. Debjani Banerjee One session done
Rabindrik Story Therapy For Conflict Management 2months Ms.Annesa Mukherjee 9 sessions. Yet to be started
Environmental Psychology 3 months Ms.Irene Chattopadhyay one session,Discontinued
Drawing therapy 3 months Ms. Eshita Pal 2 sessions,Discontinued
Data Science in Statistical approach (Level 1), Certificate based Saturday course. 1 month Ms.Aditya Chakraborty 2 sessions,Discontinued

Monday, October 11, 2021

Sunday Webinars


Session name Focal theme Speakers and chair person Topic

64th Sunday Webinar,
Mental health and counselling Dr. Pratibha J Mishra(Speaker),Dr. Subrata sarkar(Chairperson) During and Post-Covid-19 Mental health and well-being:Psychological counselling

63rd Sunday Webinar,
School counselling Ms.Payel Sanyal, Ms. Neha Bhattacharjee,Ms.Arunika Ghosh (Speakers), Dr. D. Dutta Roy(Chairperson) School counselling

62nd Sunday Webinar,

Effect of Dance education in Preschoolers

Ms.Athira M. (Effect of Dance in Emotional Expression, Rhythmic ability and Reaction association among preschoolers),Ms.Ashika Aanie(Effect of Dance education on the cognitive development of Preschoolers), Ms. Sharmila Mukherjee(Chairperson)
Effect of Dance education in Preschoolers