Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Syllabus of Applied Psychometrics (August to February,2024)

Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT), registered academic trust for higher learning under Indian Trust Act, 1882, has completed 6 term applied psychometrics course recently.

Applied Psychometrics is the branch of Psychometrics that deals with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of psychological tests and applications for action research.
Applied psychometricians apply psychometric principles and knowledge to solve everyday problems like personnel selection, training, counseling, guidance and psycho educational support. Applied psychometrics is problem oriented and solution focused in our regular life. Applied psychometricians are applying psychometric findings for understanding and solving the grass root problems.
Now a days there is high job demand on applied psychometricians as they can construct psychological tests and questionnaire. They can select which test is good for psychological testing. They know how to design customized scores. Therefore, RPRIT has created few resource persons who are now teaching in different colleges and universities.

Learning objectives:
This foundation course provides conceptual clarity about different principles, tools and techniques of Applied Psychometrics and equip students in Psychometric data analysis, questionnaire construction and familiarity with some psychological tests used in different settings.

Post Learning:
Trainees can customize the Psychological test for action research in the industry.

Registration form: https://forms.gle/Z38HMd3NFbDSLjbs6
Registration Fee: Rs. 12 thousand (before 22 July) after 28 July: Rs 15 thousand. Instalment scheme is available (30-20-20-30).
Last Date to Apply: 31st July

Payment Detail:
Payment in favor of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust
Account number: 920020072908427
IFSC Code: UTIB0000236

Course name: Foundation course on Applied Psychometrics.
Course code: AP0
Organized by: Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust (RPRIT), Registered under Indian Trust Act 1882.
Website: rprit.org.in.
Certificate: E-certificate will be provided by Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust.
Duration: One month per paper.
Total marks: 500 (Per paper x 100)
Marks allocation: 
Theory: 25
Assignment: 50
Attendance: 25

Class Hours: 
72 Hrs. (6 Months x 4 Weeks x 3 Days) 
Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8pm to 9pm

Important dates: 
Early Registration starts: 19.07.23
Early Registration closes: 28.07.23
Late Registration starts: 29.07.23
Late Registration closes: 31.07.23
Class starts: 2.08.23
E-certificate: First week of February, 2024


AP01: Introduction to Applied Psychometrics

AP01.1:  Difference between Psychometrics and Applied Psychometrics, Scope, Application in Industry (competency mapping), Health (WHOQOL), School (School attitude), Forensic (Criminal profile analysis), Environment (Climate change), Clinical setting (BDI).

AP01.2: Mental testing: WAIS-4, NEO FFI, Attitude to School infrastructure, Safe school perception, Reading and Writing motivation, Verbal reasoning, Achievement motivation, Organizational Health Questionnaire.

AP01.3: Characteristics of Good psychological test - Item characteristics, Reliability, Validity,

AP01.4: Questionnaire types and Construction. Norm and Norm estimation.
AP01.5: Measurement Scales and Psychological tests - Nominal (Socio-economic survey), Ordinal (Rabindrik value preference survey). Interval (Achievement scale), Ratio (Osgood semantic differential scale).

AP02 Research methods in Psychology 

AP02.1 Experimental method- True experiment (One way randomized design, Randomized 
Block design, Factorial design). Quasi experimental method (Pre-post research design, Post-facto research design, Case control study).

Video lectures
AP02.2 Observation-  Controlled and Naturalistic observation. Cross-sectional and longitudinal research design. 

Video lectures

AP02.3 Qualitative research method -Case study, Grounded theory, Ethnography, Phenomenological Research, Narrative Research.

AP02.4 Survey method-structured and unstructured interview. Fact finding observation, online survey, Telephone survey, Panel Survey.

Video lectures

AP02.5 Sampling - Simple random sampling, Circular sampling, Stratified Random sampling, Cluster sampling, Quota sampling, Purposive sampling - Maximum variation sampling, homogenous sampling, typical case sampling, extreme or deviant case sampling, critical case sampling, expert sampling. 

Video lectures


AP03 Foundation statistics 

AP03.1 Data summarization- Frequency, Percentage, Percentile, Central tendency, Variability.

AP03.2 Normal probability curve characteristics - Skewness, Kurtosis, Area estimation.

AP03.3 Parametric statistics - Mean differences, Correlation, Regression.

AP03.4 Non-parametric statistics - Chi-square statistics, Rank order correlation, Mann Whitney U test, Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Kruskal Wallis test. 

AP03.5: Psychoinformatics - Data reservoir, Data cleaning, Data Mining, Pattern recognition, Discovery of Knowledge. 

AP04   R-studio

AP04.1   File management, Vector, Data frame, Data organization, logical functions, character functions, Matrix manipulation.

AP04.2 Data transformation, Data summarization, Mean difference statistics, Correlation.

AP04.3 Cross tabulation, Non para metric statistics.

AP04.4 Plotting categorical data, bar plot, stacked bar plot, Pie chart, Histogram, Scatter plot, Box plot.

AP04.5 Psych package

AP05 Practicum

AP05.1 Construction of one questionnaire.

AP05.2 Construction of aptitude test.

AP05.3 Technical report on any fact finding.

AP05.4 Qualitative data analysis report.

AP05.5 Case study on mental testing


1. Dr. Debdulal Dutta Roy, President, Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust.
2. Dr. Rama Manna, Trustee, Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust.
3. Internal and external trained faculties