Thursday, February 23, 2023

Academic trust membership sandbox

Academic Trust Membership
I want to start membership for one academic trust. How can I start ?

Starting a membership for an academic trust typically involves the following steps:

  1. Research the academic trust: Before starting a membership, you need to research the academic trust you want to join. Find out about the organization's mission, values, and activities. Also, research their membership criteria and benefits.

  2. Check eligibility: Check the membership criteria to ensure you meet the requirements. Typically, academic trusts require members to have a certain level of academic or professional qualifications or experience. Some trusts may also require members to be recommended by current members.

  3. Complete the membership application: Once you have confirmed your eligibility, you need to complete the membership application. This may involve filling out an online form or submitting a paper application.

  4. Pay membership fees: Academic trusts usually charge membership fees, which can vary depending on the organization. Make sure you understand the fees and payment methods before applying.

  5. Attend induction or orientation: After your application has been accepted, you may be required to attend an induction or orientation session. This session will provide you with information about the organization and its activities, as well as your roles and responsibilities as a member.

  6. Participate in activities: As a member, you will be expected to participate in the organization's activities, such as meetings, events, and programs.

To start the process, you should contact the academic trust you're interested in and request information about their membership process. They should be able to provide you with the necessary information and guidance on how to proceed.
Academic trust membership design

Designing an academic trust membership involves creating a system that attracts and retains members who align with the organization's mission and values, and who are willing to actively participate in the organization's activities. Here are some considerations for designing an effective academic trust membership:

  1. Membership criteria: Determine the criteria for membership, including academic qualifications, professional experience, and other relevant factors. Make sure the criteria are clear and objective to avoid confusion and subjectivity.

  2. Membership benefits: Offer tangible and intangible benefits to members, such as access to resources, networking opportunities, exclusive events, and professional development opportunities. Highlight the unique value proposition of the academic trust and how membership can benefit members in their academic and professional pursuits.

  3. Membership fees: Establish a fair and reasonable fee structure that covers the costs of operating the organization and delivering benefits to members. Consider offering discounts for students and early-career professionals.

  4. Membership communication: Develop clear and consistent communication channels to keep members informed about the organization's activities, upcoming events, and other relevant news. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and other digital tools to keep members engaged and connected.

  5. Membership engagement: Provide opportunities for members to actively engage with the organization, such as volunteering for committees, contributing to publications, and participating in events. Encourage members to provide feedback and suggestions to improve the organization's operations and activities.

  6. Membership retention: Develop strategies to retain members and build a sense of community within the organization. Offer opportunities for members to connect with one another, recognize members' contributions and achievements, and celebrate the organization's accomplishments.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Mental Health Infographics


About Infographics:  Infographics helps in mental health in several ways. 

1. They can be used to educate the public about the various mental health issues, including symptoms, treatment options and resources for seeking help. Infographics can present this information in a visually appealing and easy to understand manner which can help reduce stigma and increase awareness and understanding of mental health. 

2. Infographics can be used to present research findings or data analysis related to mental health. This can help identify trains, areas of need and effective treatment or intervention and can inform public policy and funding decisions. 

3. Finally infographics can be used to track and monitor mental health outcomes such as changes in symptoms and changing in quality of life over time. This can help mental health professionals evaluate the effectiveness of their interpretation and make informed decisions about treatment planning.

About current course: Mental Health Infographics course aims at disseminating knowledge about  Graphical presentation of data  for Counselling & Guidance, Dissertation Writing and Journal Publication.

Period: From March To May,2023, ( 3 hours X 4 weeks X 3 months=36 months)








1 &2

Infographics Tools-Stem-leaf, Line chart, Barplot, Histogram Boxplot, Scatter diagram, Regression line, Pie chart.


3 & 4

Infographics for individual counselling and guidance in clinical and non-clinical settings.



5 & 6

Infographics for Family Counselling.


7 & 8

Infographics for Writing Dissertation and Journal Publication in Small and Large Sample.




Field Investigation and Presentation.

 Registration form

Registration fees : It is Non-refundable. It will be used for infrastructure development of the institute



Before 22nd February

After 22nd February


Rs. 3000

Rs. 3500


Rs. 2500

Rs. 3000


Course contents

Infographics in Counseling:

Infographics can be a useful tool in individual counseling to help convey important information to clients in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way. Here are a few ways that infographics can be used in individual counseling.

Psychoeducation: Infographics can be used to help clients better understand concepts related to mental health, such as the different types of therapy, coping skills, or the symptoms of a particular mental health condition. By presenting information in a clear and concise way, clients can more easily grasp and retain the information.

Goal-setting: Infographics can be used to help clients set goals and track their progress. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that visually represents the steps involved in achieving a specific goal, or a chart that clients can use to track their progress over time.

Mindfulness exercises: Infographics can be used to guide clients through mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or body scans. By using visuals and clear instructions, clients can more easily focus on the exercise and get the most out of i

Decision-making: Infographics can be used to help clients make decisions by presenting information in a way that is easy to compare and contrast. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that compares the pros and cons of different treatment option

When using infographics in individual counseling, it's important to keep in mind that not all clients may be visual learners or find infographics helpful. Therapists should always ask for feedback from their clients and be open to using other tools and techniques as needed.

Infographics in Marital counselling 

Infographics can be a helpful tool in marital counseling to help couples better understand complex relationship dynamics and communicate more effectively. Here are some ways infographics can be used in marital counseling:

Communication: Infographics can be used to help couples learn how to communicate more effectively. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that breaks down the different components of active listening or presents common communication roadblocks and how to avoid them.

Conflict resolution: Infographics can be used to help couples understand different conflict resolution styles and strategies. By presenting information in a clear and concise way, couples can more easily grasp new concepts and put them into practice.

Relationship stages: Infographics can be used to help couples understand the different stages of a relationship, from the honeymoon phase to the power struggle phase to the stability phase. By understanding these stages, couples can better anticipate and navigate the challenges that may arise during each phase.

Love languages: Infographics can be used to help couples understand the concept of love languages and how they can use them to strengthen their relationship. By using visuals and clear explanations, couples can more easily identify their own love languages and learn how to speak their partner's love language.

When using infographics in marital counseling, it's important to remember that different couples may have different learning styles and preferences. Some couples may find infographics to be extremely helpful, while others may prefer more traditional approaches. Therapists should always be willing to adapt and adjust their approach based on the needs and preferences of the couples they work with.


Infographics in Counseling.

Infographics can be a useful tool in individual counseling to help convey important information to clients in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way. Here are a few ways that infographics can be used in individual counseling:

Psychoeducation: Infographics can be used to help clients better understand concepts related to mental health, such as the different types of therapy, coping skills, or the symptoms of a particular mental health condition. By presenting information in a clear and concise way, clients can more easily grasp and retain the information.

Goal-setting: Infographics can be used to help clients set goals and track their progress. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that visually represents the steps involved in achieving a specific goal, or a chart that clients can use to track their progress over time.

Mindfulness exercises: Infographics can be used to guide clients through mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or body scans. By using visuals and clear instructions, clients can more easily focus on the exercise and get the most out of it.

Decision-making: Infographics can be used to help clients make decisions by presenting information in a way that is easy to compare and contrast. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that compares the pros and cons of different treatment options.

When using infographics in individual counseling, it's important to keep in mind that not all clients may be visual learners or find infographics helpful. Therapists should always ask for feedback from their clients and be open to using other tools and techniques as needed.

Infographics  in Marital counselling 

Infographics can be a helpful tool in marital counseling to help couples better understand complex relationship dynamics and communicate more effectively. Here are some ways infographics can be used in marital counseling:

Communication: Infographics can be used to help couples learn how to communicate more effectively. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that breaks down the different components of active listening or presents common communication roadblocks and how to avoid them.

Conflict resolution: Infographics can be used to help couples understand different conflict resolution styles and strategies. By presenting information in a clear and concise way, couples can more easily grasp new concepts and put them into practice.

Relationship stages: Infographics can be used to help couples understand the different stages of a relationship, from the honeymoon phase to the power struggle phase to the stability phase. By understanding these stages, couples can better anticipate and navigate the challenges that may arise during each phase.

Love languages: Infographics can be used to help couples understand the concept of love languages and how they can use them to strengthen their relationship. By using visuals and clear explanations, couples can more easily identify their own love languages and learn how to speak their partner's love language.

When using infographics in marital counseling, it's important to remember that different couples may have different learning styles and preferences. Some couples may find infographics to be extremely helpful, while others may prefer more traditional approaches. Therapists should always be willing to adapt and adjust their approach based on the needs and preferences of the couples they work with.

Infographics in family counseling 

Infographics can be a useful tool in family counseling to help visualize and explain complex family dynamics, roles, and patterns of behavior. Here are some ways infographics can be used in family counseling:

Family roles: Infographics can be used to help families understand the different roles each family member plays and how they interact with each other. For example, a therapist might create a family tree infographic that includes each family member and their roles within the family.

Communication: Infographics can be used to help families learn effective communication skills. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that illustrates the different components of active listening or presents common communication roadblocks and how to avoid them.

Boundaries: Infographics can be used to help families understand and establish healthy boundaries. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that presents different types of boundaries and how to set and maintain them.

Family history: Infographics can be used to help families understand their history and how it has influenced their current dynamics. For example, a therapist might create a timeline infographic that highlights important events in the family's history and how they have impacted family members.

When using infographics in family counseling, it's important to keep in mind that different family members may have different learning styles and preferences. Some family members may find infographics to be extremely helpful, while others may prefer more traditional approaches. Therapists should always be willing to adapt and adjust their approach based on the needs and preferences of the families they work with. Additionally, it's important to ensure that infographics are inclusive and respectful of all family members' experiences and perspectives.


A line chart can be a useful tool in marital counseling to help couples track their progress and identify patterns in their relationship. Here are a few ways that a line chart can be used in marital counseling:

Tracking emotions: A line chart can be used to help couples track their emotions over time. For example, a therapist might ask each partner to rate their level of happiness or satisfaction with the relationship on a scale of 1-10 and then plot those ratings on a line chart. This can help couples see how their emotions have fluctuated over time and identify patterns in their relationship.

Identifying triggers: A line chart can be used to help couples identify triggers that lead to conflicts or negative emotions. For example, a therapist might ask each partner to track their emotional state and note any events or situations that preceded a negative emotional response. By plotting these events on a line chart, couples can see if there are any patterns or trends that can be addressed in therapy.

Goal-setting: A line chart can be used to help couples set goals and track their progress. For example, a therapist might ask each partner to set a goal related to the relationship, such as improving communication or spending more quality time together, and then track their progress on a line chart. This can help couples see how far they have come and stay motivated to continue working on their relationship.

When using a line chart in marital counseling, it's important to ensure that both partners feel comfortable with the tool and understand how to use it effectively. The therapist should also be prepared to interpret the data on the line chart and help couples identify any patterns or trends that may be contributing to their relationship issues. Ultimately, the goal of using a line chart in marital counseling is to help couples gain insights into their relationship and work towards building a stronger, healthier partnership.


Pie chart in Marital counselling

Infographics in Counseling.
Infographics in individual counseling 

Infographics can be a useful tool in individual counseling to help convey important information to clients in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way. Here are a few ways that infographics can be used in individual counseling:

Psychoeducation: Infographics can be used to help clients better understand concepts related to mental health, such as the different types of therapy, coping skills, or the symptoms of a particular mental health condition. By presenting information in a clear and concise way, clients can more easily grasp and retain the information.

Goal-setting: Infographics can be used to help clients set goals and track their progress. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that visually represents the steps involved in achieving a specific goal, or a chart that clients can use to track their progress over time.

Mindfulness exercises: Infographics can be used to guide clients through mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or body scans. By using visuals and clear instructions, clients can more easily focus on the exercise and get the most out of it.

Decision-making: Infographics can be used to help clients make decisions by presenting information in a way that is easy to compare and contrast. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that compares the pros and cons of different treatment options.

When using infographics in individual counseling, it's important to keep in mind that not all clients may be visual learners or find infographics helpful. Therapists should always ask for feedback from their clients and be open to using other tools and techniques as needed.
Infographics in Marital counselling 

Infographics can be a helpful tool in marital counseling to help couples better understand complex relationship dynamics and communicate more effectively. Here are some ways infographics can be used in marital counseling:

Communication: Infographics can be used to help couples learn how to communicate more effectively. For example, a therapist might create an infographic that breaks down the different components of active listening or presents common communication roadblocks and how to avoid them.

Conflict resolution: Infographics can be used to help couples understand different conflict resolution styles and strategies. By presenting information in a clear and concise way, couples can more easily grasp new concepts and put them into practice.

Relationship stages: Infographics can be used to help couples understand the different stages of a relationship, from the honeymoon phase to the power struggle phase to the stability phase. By understanding these stages, couples can better anticipate and navigate the challenges that may arise during each phase.

Love languages: Infographics can be used to help couples understand the concept of love languages and how they can use them to strengthen their relationship. By using visuals and clear explanations, couples can more easily identify their own love languages and learn how to speak their partner's love language.

When using infographics in marital counseling, it's important to remember that different couples may have different learning styles and preferences. Some couples may find infographics to be extremely helpful, while others may prefer more traditional approaches. Therapists should always be willing to adapt and adjust their approach based on the needs and preferences of the couples they work with.

Pie chart in Marital counselling 

Pie charts can be a useful tool in marital counseling to help couples visualize and understand how they are spending their time and resources, and to identify potential areas of conflict. Here are some ways that pie charts can be used in marital counseling:

Time allocation: A pie chart can be used to help couples visualize how they are spending their time individually and together as a couple. For example, a therapist might ask each partner to create a pie chart that shows how they typically allocate their time each week (e.g., work, household chores, leisure activities, time spent together, time spent with others). This can help couples identify any imbalances in how they are spending their time and work towards creating a more equitable division of labor.

Budgeting: A pie chart can be used to help couples visualize how they are spending their money as a couple. For example, a therapist might ask each partner to create a pie chart that shows how they typically allocate their finances each month (e.g., housing expenses, food, entertainment, savings). This can help couples identify areas where they may be overspending or underspending and work towards creating a more effective budget together.

Conflict resolution: A pie chart can be used to help couples identify areas of potential conflict in their relationship. For example, a therapist might create a pie chart that shows the different issues that have come up in the relationship (e.g., communication, intimacy, financial issues, parenting). This can help couples see which issues are most pressing and work towards resolving them together.

When using a pie chart in marital counseling, it's important to ensure that both partners feel comfortable with the tool and understand how to use it effectively. The therapist should also be prepared to interpret the data on the pie chart and help couples identify any areas of concern or potential conflict. Ultimately, the goal of using a pie chart in marital counseling is to help couples gain insights into their relationship and work towards building a stronger, healthier partnership..

Prescription infographics

Prescription Infographics

Prescription infographics can be a useful tool to help patients better understand their medications and how to take them safely and effectively. Here are some possible examples of infographics on prescription:

Medication Schedule Infographic:
This infographic can be designed to help patients keep track of their medication schedule. It could include details such as the medication name, dosage, frequency, and the time of day the medication should be taken. This could be presented in a simple, easy-to-read format, such as a table or timeline.

Prescription Safety Infographic:
This infographic could focus on medication safety, providing information on potential side effects, interactions, and precautions. It could also provide tips for safe medication storage and disposal.

Medication Administration Infographic:
This infographic could demonstrate how to properly administer medication, such as whether the medication should be taken with food or water, how to use a syringe or inhaler, and how to apply a patch. It could include simple illustrations or diagrams to make the instructions more accessible.

Prescription Drug Abuse Infographic:
This infographic could educate patients on the dangers of prescription drug abuse and addiction, including the risks of overdose and withdrawal symptoms. It could also provide resources for those seeking help for substance abuse.

Medication Adherence Infographic:
This infographic could provide tips and strategies for staying on track with medication schedules, such as setting reminders, creating a routine, and seeking support from healthcare providers or family members. It could also highlight the benefits of medication adherence, such as improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.