Wednesday, November 30, 2022

RPRIT research Assistant job responsibilities

Respected Sir/ Madam,
Greetings from Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research  Institute Trust (RPRIT) !!!

RPRIT, as a Non-profit making registered academic trust for research on the vision of Noble laureate Rabindranath Tagore, is going to offer Research Assistant position. 

Qualifications: Ph.D. from any recognised university.

Eligibility: Ability to mentor research intern. 

Job responsibilities: Job responsibilities of Research Assistant include mentoring students in the time bound  project oriented research, teaching and Administration. Research assistant can publish research paper in the journal or present research paper in the conference/webinar with the name of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. Research assistant will select suitable candidates for the research with the support of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. The findings will be useful for research course of the trust. 
Research assistant will get honorarium for the same. 
As discussed you over phone, you are requested to be research assistant position of the Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. It is purely temporary. Duration will be extended depending upon availability of funds.
Please submit one project proposal with following points.

Title of the project


Starting date

End date

Associated scientists

Justification of project objectives and background

Literature review 

Method with time line.

Sample and sampling

Tools used

Procedure of data collection 

 Time line

Precautions or control of errors

Description of Statistical tools used and justification 

Possible results
Descriptive and Inferential 

Possible beneficiary



Bio data in full.

Please write to me your expected date of submitting project proposal.
With regards,
Dr. D. Dutta Roy,
Founder and President , RPRIT


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Research Internship on Rabindrasangeet

Paid Research Internship on Rabindrasangeet.


Project code: RES/RS/01

Background: Rabindrik Psychotherapy is derived from Rabindrasangeet. This therapy includes several postulates that helps therapist in restoration, prevention and promotion of Psychological well-being. RPRIT has designed some statistical models for understanding variances in the subjective experience of Rabindrasangeet. 
     It is assumed that Rabindrasangeet creates positive flows in mind that develops resilience. It prevents person from external threat. Rabindrasangeet is associated with Seligman's PERMA model.
    All the observations are scattered. Aim of this research internship is to create technical report on the selected projects.

2-weeks training on Rabindrasangeet research internship with stipend.

Description: This training is free. It involves how to write project proposal for Research Internship on Rabindrasangeet. 
After training, candidates will present Webinar on the proposed project for defence.
Selected research interns will get stipend per month. Total internship time is 3 months. Project proposal should satisfy the design of one innovative course. Innovative course should cover 5 papers with 4 units so that students can study your course.

Qualification: Post-graduate in Rabindrasangeet.

Eligibility: Ability to sing Rabindra Sangeet for therapy purpose. Ability to collect data physically.

Registration form:

Important dates:
Registration closes: 15.12.22.
Written test: 17.12.22.
Interview: 18.12.22.

Technical report
Technical report is a document that describes the progress, process, or results of scientific or technical research. It also can include some recommendations and conclusions. Technical reports may be considered as grey literature because they rarely undergo comprehensive independent peer review before publication. 

*Project 1: Statistical modelling on Rabindrasangeet 
Background : Rabindrasangeet acts on our cognitive faculties. When subjective experience is plotted, different waves are noted. Our objective will be to analyze and interprete the plot.

*Project 2: Flow in Rabindrasangeet.
Background: Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. Ms. Ritika Sarkar has developed tool to assess flow in Rabindrasangeet. Objective is to examine test and retest reliability of the tool.

*Project 3: PERMA in Rabindrasangeet. 

Seligman (2011) hypothesized that PERMA (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment) are the elements of well-being. In studying Rabindrasangeet We have seen many positive psychology values. Our objective is to develop theory on it.

*Project 4: Rabindrasangeet in stress management.
Background: Stress is a significant risk factor in cardiac and pulmonary disease. Many health professionals, however, recognize that patients can be taught to manage their stress, thereby reducing its negative effects. Music therapy can play a part in this educational process, helping patients to learn, regain, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Objective of the study is to explore how Rabindrasangeet acts on chronic disorders.

Selected Intern will be awarded Rs.2k per month. Month will not be more than 3months. 

Job responsibilities: During research, intern will teach at the on-line classes. For online classes, intern will get Rs. 250 per hour. In that context, intern will submit ppt before to concerned academic assistant or teacher co-ordinator.

Since it is online, intern can schedule own time for researches. 

Progress report will be evaluated per week. 

Intern can select own mentor. 

Project proposal submission
Intern will select only one project out of the list. Project format includes objectives (not more than 2), starting and ending date, associated scientist (not more than 2 and mode of support), justification of objectives ( not more than 200 words), Literature review (not more than 300 words), method (not more than 300 words), Time line per week, possible result (not more than 200 words), benefits to the trust and others by your research (not more than 200 words), Possible budget (capital and Revenue) 

* Contact mail:, Ph: 9830010547
Trust website
Rabindra sangeet Research

Trust website:


1. Honorarium to 4 Trainers: Rs. 1000 for 3 months) - Rs. 4000.
2. Stipend to 4 trainees: Rs. 2000 for 3 months (Rs. 2000 × 3 months×4 trainees) = 24000.
3. Contingencies: Rs. 5000.
Total: 33k

Saturday, November 5, 2022

One month course on Music therapy

Sand box

It is my pleasure to share that RPRIT has successfully completed 2 week course on Music therapy. Trainees have learnt some basic models of music therapy and Music design. They answered correctly in the examination. I have assigned total responsibilities on Ms. Mridusmita Bagchi . She formed one team of teachers and imparted training to trainees. She is very sincere, has good leadership skills.

Now, I am planning to start another course with relatively deep learning. Here is my sand box.

Lesson 1: Music and Health.
Lesson 2: Music and Cognition.
Lesson 3: Music and Brain.
Lesson 4: Music and Physics.
Lesson 5: Music Graphics.
Lesson 6: Music and Imageries.
Lesson 7: Music and Emotions.

Our objective will be Music therapy in non-clinical settings.

In future course, students will learn one Rabindrasangeet in vocal and instrument.

Course objective: Aim of this course is to educate trainees about different principles, techniques and tools of music therapy.
How Music therapy helps
A Music Therapist is a person who deals with the problems and stress of a person using a form of music. They can work with people of any age group, be it children or elder people. They aid people with brain injuries, physical disabilities, mental health issues and developmental disabilities. Music Therapists use the power of music to deal with unsaid feelings. They use techniques like relaxation, guided imagery and improvisation, and involve sound, music, and rhythm in a way to engage persons or patients. 

Proposed 3 months course
Course code: MT

MT01. Models of Music therapy
- Health model, Cognitive model,  Neuro plasticity, Physics and Statistics.

Assignment: Music experience analysis.

MT02. Music design
- Parallel processing music design. Frequency method. 

MT03. Music as therapy
Recreative Methods in Music Therapy,
Creative Methods in Music Therapy ,
Assignment: Song Affirmations.


Music as a Therapeutic Tool
Music as a Lifespan Activity
Function of Music
Assignment: Personal Connection to Music.

Music Therapy Defined

  • The Need for Defining
  • Working Definitions
  • Virtuous Music Therapist
  • Music Experiences
  • Assignment: Virtuous Music Therapist Worksheet.

Education and Training Requirements

  • History of Music Therapy Education 
  • Professional Music Therapy Associations
  • Musicianship in Music Therapy
  • Advanced and Specialized Clinical Training
  • Assignment: Professional Organizations Resource Assignment/Unit Test I

Types of Music Experiences

  • Overview of Four Main Methods
  • Recreative Methods in Music Therapy 
  • Creative Methods in Music Therapy 
  • Assignment: Song Affirmations.

Therapeutic Process

Facets of Music Experiences
Motivation for Change
Types of Change
Assignment: Choose Population of Choice for Final Project.

Approaches to Music Therapy

Areas of Practice
Levels of Practice
Factors that Influence Clinical Choices 
Assignment: Prominent Music Therapists.

Approaches to Music Therapy 
Approaches Developed within Music Education and Pedagogy
Approaches Reflecting or Based upon Psychological Philosophies, Theories, or Models
Approaches based on Biomedical Model
Approaches Developed within Music Therapy 
Assignment: Unit test: Therapeutic Process and Approaches to Therapy.

Treatment Planning

Overview of the Treatment Process
Assignment: Narrative Assessment .

Treatment Planning, part 2 

Designing a Music Therapy Session
Goals and Objectives 
Interprofessional Collaboration
Assignment: Unit Test: Music Therapy Treatment Planning.

Research in Music Therapy

Purpose of Research
Types of Research
Music Therapy Journals
Literature Searches
Assignment: Identify Five Articles for Final Project.

Professional Topics

Emerging Areas of Practice 
Assignment: Final Project 

Earlier course

One week certificate course on Music therapy
Organized by: Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. 
1. Music therapy for children with special needs.
2. Music and Consciousness.
3. Receptive music therapy.
4. Active Music therapy.
5. Neuroplasticity.

Certificate: Participation certificate will be provided.
Qualification: Post-graduate.
Eligibility: Music teaching, music therapist.
Registration fee: Rs. 500 ( after 22nd October), Rs. 200 (before 22 nd October).
* Date and Time*: 25-29th October, 8-30 to 9-30 pm.
*Payment in favor of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. Account number: 920020072908427, IFSC Code:- UTIB0000236 , AXIS BANK, DUNLOP (KOLKATA). Please write your name in payment.

Your registration fees will be used for infrastructure development of the institute.

2nd term Music therapy course

*Organized by*: Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. Non-profit making Academic trust.

1. Models of Music therapy.

1.1 Health model

1.2 Cognitive model

2. Music Design.

2.1 Properties of Music

2.2 Parallel Processing and blending

2.3 Structuring music

3. Rabindrik Psychotherapy.

3.1 Topographical model.

3.2 Flow theory

4. Music therapy for children.

4.1 Music therapy for children education.

4.2 Music therapy for children with special needs.

*Important dates:

Starting application: 10.11.22.

Class dates: 17, 19, 20, 24,26,27th

November; (Thurs,Sat,Sunday)

Time: 8-9 PM

Class starts: 17.11.22

Class ends: 27.11.22

*Registration fee*: Rs. 500 ( after 15th November), Rs. 250 (before 15th November).

*Payment in favor of Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust. Account number: 920020072908427, IFSC Code:- UTIB0000236 , AXIS BANK, DUNLOP (KOLKATA). Please write your name in payment.

Your registration fees will be used for infrastructure development of the institute.

Join our WhatsApp group: Switch accounts
The name and photo associated with your Google Account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. Your email address is not part of your response.


  • depressed
  • patients who are physically impaired
  • frequently admitted patients
  • patients who have experienced trauma.

Patients are referred to music therapy by medical, nursing or allied health staff.

Note: Music therapy services may not be available to every ward/area of the hospital.

Most people identify music as a meaningful part of everyday life. By taking into account a child or young person’s individual tastes, music can be familiar and grounding in the unpredictable hospital environment. Music therapy can offer patients a sense of control and an avenue for positive self- expression, particularly when they have a say in what activities will be explored.

What does a music therapy session involve?

The music therapist will first assess a patient to identify his/her individual abilities and needs.

A therapy program will then be tailored to the individual needs of your child, including personalised goals that address areas of concern. Music therapy goals can include using music to assist with pain and anxiety management, to enhance communication, and create opportunities for child/family bonding through music.

A music therapist will play guitar or keyboard and sing, and provide a range of age-appropriate percussion instruments for your child and family to explore. Prior musical experience is not necessary and the program will be based on your child or adolescent’s musical preferences. The music therapist will document and evaluate sessions to ensure the effectiveness of the program outcomes.

Infants and children

Live familiar music combined with physical, cognitive and social activities provides developmental stimulation, increases interaction, and encourages participation and motivation. Soothing music can help reduce irritability, pain or anxiety, and also encourage child/family bonding. Making music together and writing songs can provide an avenue for creative self-expression.


Adolescents can play an active role in developing their own music therapy program. They can explore a range of musical activities with their therapist and choose what feels right for them. This can include songwriting, improvisation and/or singing the songs of favourite bands and artists. Technology is also available for the production of personalised audio/visual projects. Live music combined with relaxation techniques is also offered to help reduce pain and anxiety.


Student attended regularly

Basic qualification of music therapy
Degree in education or psychology may be accepted if you've got a high standard of musical ability.Musical ability as a term is used to describe the sensitivity for music, the ability to understand music, and/or the ability to produce music.

Basic skills of music therapist

current research and developments of Music therapy.

 Trainees may apply this knowledge in their own professions. This is one month course aiming at developing conceptual clarity about music therapy researches. Current course has been designed after successful completion of 7 day course on Music therapy. 

Course time: 
Online lectures: 12 hours. 3 hours per week. 

Registration fee: It will be announced soon.

Important dates: 
Application starts: 
Registration starts:
Registration ends:@
Class starts: 
Class ends: 
Qualification: Basic education
Eligibility: To be announced.
Platform: Zoom.


Paper 1 Music therapy models

1.1. Theory of Music - 

1.2. Health theory

1.3  Music based brain plasticity.

1.4  Music and Cognition.

1.5  Music and Consciousness.

Paper 2 Music Design

2.1.Properties of Music: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Timbre , Dynamics, Texture and Form.

2.2. Parallel processing music.

2.3. combinations of sargams and effect of each sargams on an individual, 

2.4. Music design for children.

2.5.Music design for adult.

Paper 3 Rabindrik Psychotherapy

3.1Topographical model of Consciousne

3.2 Flow theories.

3.3 Value theories.

3.4 Metaphors

3.5.Self awakening and regulation.

Paper 4 Music therapy techniques

4.1. Bonny method of Guided imagery.

4.2 Analytical oriented music therapy.

4.3. Creative music therapy.

4.4. Cognitive behaviour music therapy.

4.5. Community music therapy.

Paper 5 Assessment, Diagnosis and Intervention.

5.1. Case history taking for children and adult.

5.2. Mental status examination.

5.3. Music based mental status examination.

5.4. Graphical distribution of Music response and interpretation.

5.5. Music intervention steps