Saturday, August 27, 2022

2nd batch on Tele-Mental health Counselling

Online certificate course on Tele-mental health counselling

Course introduction: Telemental health is the use of telecommunications or videoconferencing technology to provide mental health counselling services. RPRIT has successfully completed first batch of Tele-Mental health Counselling course.

Course duration: 4 months
First month: Papers 1,2,3.
2nd month: Paper 4,5
3rd month: Internship
4th month: Examination. 

Registration fees: Rs. 12000 (Single), Group(Rs.10000).

Objectives of the course
1. To disseminate knowledge about NIMHANS suggested guidelines for Tele-Mental health services.
2. To disseminate knowledge about Mental health Acts, Models of Mental health.
3. To disseminate knowledge about Performing arts therapy and Rabindrik Psychotherapy.
4. Through Internship, trainees will learn how to write research paper.

Trainees will appear at the written tests of each paper and viva-voce. Total marks is 250 (50X5 papers). 
First 4 paper marks: 40
Performance in Google class room and in online class room :10
For Paper 5: Technical report writing : 40.
Viva voce : 10.

Class lecture unit: 1 hour means one lecture.
Total lectures will be  30 (5 PapersX3unitsX2 lectures).  

Qualifications: Post-graduation with 55% marks

Concept note: Prolonged pandemic impairs in-person psychotherapy. Therefore, tele mental health counselling is one of the innovative tool to free the  patient from mental or social stigma. Rabindranath Tagore himself composed several poems, dance drama to stop mental and social stigma in society. His philosophical contributions and postulates of Rabindrik Psychotherapy are useful in outreach community development program.

Difference from first  batch: In the first batch of Tele-Mental health counseling services, we have not paid attention to Performing Arts Therapy, Rabindrik Psychotherapy and technical report writing. In this session, we have added them. Besides, in the earlier batch, we have not paid attention to several acts and NIMHANS suggested guidelines for Tele-Mental health services. This time, we've given special emphasis on them.

Paper 1: National Tele-Mental health program 

Unit 1Mental health care Act 2017, POSCO Act, 2012 , Persons with Disability Act 2016.

Unit 2: Agent-host-environment,, Guidelines for delivering Tele-psychotherapy service set by NIMHANS.

Unit 3: Models of Tele-Mental services.

Unit 4: Digital Mental health services.

Paper 2: Models of Mental Health  and Psychotherapy

Unit 1: Psychodynamic- Freud, Jung, Adler. Psychoanalysis, free association.

Unit 2: Behavioural - Reinforcement theory and Behaviour therapy.

Unit 3: Bio-Psycho-social model:  Self-efficacy theory. 

Unit 4: Cognitive - cognitive distortion, impairment. Cognitive behaviour therapy. 

Paper 3: Psychological testing

Unit 1: Projective test  -Sentence completion test

Unit 2: Anxiety and Depression management- STAI, Beck depression scale

Unit 3: Rabindrik  value theory- Rabindrik value preference scale. 

Unit 4: Neropsychological/ executive function test

Paper 3: Rabindrik Psychotherapy  

Unit 1: Topographical structure of consciousness layers and dynamics.

Unit 2: Flow theory, Quantitative modelling and Conflict management. 

Unit 3: Value theory -Path and goal oriented Rabindrik values.

Unit 4: Performing Arts Therapy- Music, Dance, Drama, Drawing therapy.

Paper 4: Statistics and Research Methodology

Unit 1: Case history method and Mental state examination.

Unit 2: Observation, Check list and Experimental Method.

Unit 3: Measures of Central tendency and Variability.

Unit 4. Data visualization.

Paper 5: Internship and report writing with format

Format for report writing: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Appendix (Introduction of the Institute and  Course, Questionnaire/tools, Original results). 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Business Psychology course

Online certificate course on Bussiness Psychology 

Course introduction: Business psychology combines advanced business practices with the study of human behavior to improve the productivity, efficiency and culture of workplaces. In the proposed course, we will pay attention to positive Psychological approach in Business.

Course code: BPSY-100
Course duration: 4 months
First month: Papers 1,2,3.
2nd month: Paper 4,5
3rd month: Internship
4th month: Examination. 

Registration fees: Rs. 12000 (Single), Group(Rs.10000).

Objectives of the course
1. To disseminate knowledge about basic theories about role of Psychology in Business. 
2. To understand Research methodology and basic statistics in Business Psychology.
Course outcome: 
By the end of the course, the learners will be able to (a) understand factors of productivity, (b) analyze employee needs, (c) conceptualize leadership skills. They will be able to conduct basic analysis of data.

Qualifications: Post-graduation with 55% marks

Paper 1 
 Introduction to Business psychology: 
Unit 1: 
Introduction to Business Psychology, Scope and Application in selection, training, job design, performance appraisal -1 lecture 
Organizational theory- Close and open system. - 1 lecture. 

Unit 2: Ecological theory in Business - 1 lecture. 
Total Quality Management-1 lecture
Unit 3: Johari Windows, Perceptual organization theory - 1 lecture. 

Paper 2: Productivity and Motivation
Unit 1: Productivity theory- Types and Measures of Productivity , TQM- 1 lecture 
Unit 2: Theories of Motivation: Need and Process theories - 1 lecture 
Unit 3: Value theory: Rabindrik Value theory and Measures -1 lecture 
Paper 3: Leadership
Unit 1:Leadership theory: Trait theory, Situational leadership theory - 1 lecture 
Unit 2: Institute building theory:  Transformational leadership theory, Institutional development theory of Rabindranath Tagore.
Unit 3: Positive Psychology theory of Leadership.
Paper 4: Research methodology
Unit 1: Experimental method -1 lecture
Unit 2: Observation method.-1 lecture
Unit  3: Survey method-1 lecture

Paper 4: Basic Statistics
Unit 1: Descriptive statistics..- 1 lecture
Unit 2: Statistics of linear modeling.-1 lecture
Unit 3: Psychoinformatics.-1 lecture





No. of lectures


Introduction to Business psychology: 


Introduction to Business Psychology, Scope and Application in selection, training effectiveness; job design, performance appraisal





Ecological theory in Business; Principles of Total Quality Management.





Johari Windows. Perceptual organization theory in business. 



Paper 2: Productivity and Motivation


Productivity theory- Types and Measures of Productivity





Theories of Motivation: Need and Process theories.  





Value theory: Rabindrik Value theory.



Paper 3: Leadership



Leadership theory: Trait theory, Situational leadership theory.







Institute building theory:  Transformational leadership theory, Institutional development theory of Rabindranath Tagore.






Positive Psychology theory of Leadership.



Paper 4: Research methodology


Experimental method





Observation method.





Survey method



Paper 5: Basic Statistics


Descriptive statistics





Statistics of linear modeling








Course includes Lecture, Tutorial and Practical. 
Lecture includes note sharing, teaching and demonstration by case study.
Tutorial involves quizzes, discussion about topic.
Practical includes collection of data, analysis, report writing and project submission in Word document.

Teaching pedagogy: 
Lecture and Tutorials.


Per lecture will be one hour. 

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Theory of Socio-technical system of Organization  Open system theory, Ecological theory in Business, Rabindrik Value theory.
2. Productivity theory: Introduction
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,The Hawthorne Effect,The Expectancy Theory
The Reinforcement Theory,Adam’s Equity Theory,Locke’s Goal Setting, Porter and Lawler theory, Job characteristics theory. Consciousness theory of Rabindrik Psychotherapy,Organizational structure and Technology theory. 
3. Leadership theory: Trait theory, Situational leadership theory, Transformational leadership theory, Institutional development theory of Rabindranath Tagore.Self-efficacy theory, Positive Psychology theory.
4. Research Methodology: Experimental methodology, Observational, simulation techniques.
5. Basic statistics in business research: 
Descriptive statistics, Statistics of linear modeling, Psychoinformatics.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Course design

Course design 

RPRIT courses are graded. Course code at the initial level will be 0. It indicates foundation. In this course, student will learn the definition of technical terms, types and uses.

Course code starts with 1. It indicates that this course will cover theory.

Course code starts with 2. It indicates that this course includes applications.

Course code starts with 3. It indicates that this course includes Research. 

Course code starts with 4. It indicates that this course includes journal publications.

Friday, August 5, 2022


Promotion of Research is one of the major activities of RPRIT. Research grants is direct financial support to research projects taken up by Project-in-charge. Individual or any organization can be Project-in-charge 

RPRIT provides grants to scholars to conduct research in various fields for the growth of RPRIT. Some of the research areas are course design, student satisfaction, teacher satisfaction, performance appraisal, writing training manual, Questionnaire construction, journal publication, conference paper presentation, book chapter writing. Each project will not be more than 3 months and budget will be within 10k. Project will be evaluated weekly. It will be under Project Co-ordinator. Project Co-ordinator mus be the trustee of the institute. 

Sample Project:

1. Writing Activity based training manual on School Psychology.
2. Examining test retest reliability of Rabindrik  value questionnaire.
3. Content writing of RPRIT videos (selected)
4. Exploring job satisfaction of academic assistants of RPRIT.
5. Exploring student  satisfaction of academic assistants of RPRIT.
6. Instructional design of RPRIT course. 
7. Quantitative modelling of Rabindra sangeet.
8. Item analysis of Reading and Writing motivation questionnaire.
9. Item analysis of Farmer self-efficacy questionnaire.
10. Item analysis of attitude towards school infrastructures.
11. Item analysis of Pro-environmental attitude. 

Content writing project

RPRIT has created almost 500 You tube videos on different aspects of Psychology, research, method, statistics and several non psychological issues. They remain idle. It appears that each video represents one lesson. 
     Internship includes (a) writing definition of of technical terms or key words, (b) video description and (c) exercise based on video content and your contribution.

1. Title of the Project:

2. Brief Objective and Justification (2 or 3 sentences): Objective should be measurable. 

3. Date of Commencement: 

4. Date of completion.

5. Associated resource persons and their roles.

6. Scope and Justification of the Project:

7. Literature Review or Baseline research.

8. Method: Participants, Sampling, Instruments, Procedure of data collection

9. Results: Possible analysis and statistics

10. Discussion: Possible explanation of results

11. Budget: Time and finance following internship year.

12. Application: Send your application to with relevant documents to RPRIT PROJECT Co-ordinator, Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust, Kolkata- 700090.

                                                          Heads of Expenditure

1. Research Staff : Full time/Part-time/Hired Services Not exceeding 45% of the total budget.

2. Fieldwork: Travel/Logistics/Boarding, Survey Preparation or Consultancy etc.Not exceeding  35%

3.Equipment and Study material: Computer, Printer, Source Material, Books, Journals, Software, Data Sets etc. Not exceeding 12%

4.Contingency:Not exceeding 5%

5. Publication of Report. App. 5-6%*


 RPRIT will finally make it  100%