Sunday, June 9, 2019

Career interest Assessment and counselling (only on Saturday)


3c/2, G. Mondal, Road, Block B, Kolkata- 700002

TITLE: Career interest Assessment and counselling (only on Saturday)

B. Course objectives:  To develop skills about theories, measurement and application of Career Interest Assessment. Trainees will be aware of related statistics, R programming and data visualization. After the course, trainees will be involved in the project of career selection, development, progression and Career counselling.

 C. Eligibility: Completed Post graduation /Completed graduation with First class marks in Honours paper with statistics. Preferable: Engagement in Career counselling in any institution.

 D. Course contents and schedule

24 hours (3 hours per day for 8 sessions)

Day 1 & Day 2: Theories of Career counselling - Johari Window, Consciousness theory of Rabindrik Psychotherapy, Rabindrik Value theory, Trait theory, Social learning theory, Interest theory (6 hours) 

Day 3 & Day 4: Statistics Descriptive, Correlation, using R programming. (6 hours)  

Day 5: Measurement: Job analysis - Job description, job specification, personnel specification. (3 hours) 

Day 6: Scales of measurement & RIASEC (Practical). (3 hours) 

Day 7:  Interest profile & Interest profile matching between individuals, groups and individual - group r (3 hours) 

Day 8: Presentation of Dissertations and evaluation reports. (3 hours)

 E. Registration : One time non-refundable.
1. Application here:

F. Venue : 3c/2 Gobindo Mondal Road ,Blok -B, Kolkata-2

G. Time: 3 to 6 pm only on Saturday besides online Google classroom.

H. Important dates : 

1. Online Application starts :12th June, 2019 

2. Application ends : 25th June 

3. Confirmation letter :28th June

4. Non-refundable Registration fee collection :29th June (Rs 4000 during the first class in cash/Paytm. For sponsored candidates, the amount is Rs. 5000. Registration includes course materials, snacks, tuition and infrastructure.)

5.Class starts: 6th July , 2019

I. Pedagogy :  75% attendance is required. Completion of 8 credits

J. Certificates : Course completion certificate will be provided based on class performance and evaluation of Dissertation.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Brief note about the invited speech in Seminar

Guest Speakers Key Note

Discussion of Technical session 1
1.      Dr. Satrajit Goswami:  The mind has been considered as “Achin Pakhi” i.e an Unknown Bird who is constantly building its nest, but its yet to be discovered that when that Unknown Bird is staying in to the nest and when it is flying away. This unknown Bird doesn’t comes in to our knowledge if we don’t explain the complex process of brain & nervous system. So in order to provide a therapy or to treat human beings it is important to know about the “Unknown Birds” with the help of metaphor which has been use by Rabindranath Tagore through his songs, novel, short story & his valuable writing . These metaphor which are being mentioned by Tagore does not remain a metaphor anymore when an Unknown Bird face the reflection of that situation in reality, then that Unknown Bird witness the situation personally. Lastly it is considered Rabindra-Metaphor is the path of an era of psychotherapy.

2.      Swapan Mukhopadhya (Author & Researcher): Disability can be over come if one has got the will power to it. As referred in a short story by Hans Andersen, where few plants broke the base of the Vass to dig it's roots deep inside to grow into a fruit full tree and later into a beautiful garden, This inspired Hellen Keller to Start of her noble "My religion".
To transform from a plant into a huge tree requires a lot self confidence and Ranbindra Sangeet has got that spark of self confidence which actually rises the inner zeal and conscience. "The light of hope is gone out" mentioned by "Helen Keller" when the self confidence is low and down, but When she heard  "Ami choncholo he" by the man himself.
Rabindra Sangeet is not only a rythm, or music stitched in words it's a perception.
And Thus it perception and metaphor can boost self- confidence and any disability can be overcomed with once will power.

3.      Ms. Sahely Gangopadhyay:  Psychology not only cures mental illness and crying, it is much larger than that, it is about strength of character, and bring out best in people.
There are primarily four areas of positive individual, i.e well-being, optimism, happiness and self determination.
The term psychotherapy refers to the treatment of psychological disorders through the use of psychological methods and not by its means.
Rabindra psychotherapy is a self awakening process or cognition with the help of metaphor, it's a positive psychology.
The PERMA model hitches the emphasis on positive psychology and Self resilience .
It's a insight orientation of humanity and it's own self. As per the situational analysis a suitable Ranbindra Sangeet is given which suits the appropriate , as per the thought process and source of thought process of an individual. Then the individual can relate this songs as per their own situation and this helps to come out from dissonance and attain self resilience and the negative psychology such as lonliness, hopelessness will get minimised.
Thus Ranbindra Sangeet plays the role of a moderator between the client and the therapist who actually helps to exchange thoughts and helps to gain confidence to the client.

4.      Dr. Muktipada Sinha: The attention span in human are lacking into this world. The object to be attentive is increasing but the attention supply is actually getting decrease. This phenomenon is known as attention economy. the main reason behind this is that human being are much more attentive towards are lagging behind in their past. Instead of being attentive in the past or future human should think about their present in order to gain mindfulness. Pay attention to the present moment without any justification hep an individual to attain mindfulness (Jon Kabat Zim, 1970). There are certain practices of mindfulness such as anapanasati, unconditional positive regards, congruence communication and awareness of an object occurs either through sense impression or object cognition, Bipasana. Human mind is wondering because of unhealthy coping skills, multitasking, frenetic lifestyle, sedentary living thus humans are tuning in to ‘human doing not Human being’. Rabindra-psychotherapy is a modern pathway which helps the human doing to reform in human being. In live there are possibilities of love, success, family, hope, security, health, relationships but all are becoming mixed and distresses are increasing and limitation and possibilities is getting separated.Rabindra Psychotherapy helps to maintain the mindfulness with the metaphors that are being reflected in reality.

Technical Session 2:

5.       Emeritus Professor Dipak Ghosh: Rabindra Sangeet on human mind is a subject of in dept exploration. The scientific investigation and  studies includes acoustic signals processing in complex system scenario and bio scenario based emotion assessment using EEG signals. It's performed on the perspective of neuro-cognition and neuro-aesthetics. The basic parameter of sound is 0.93. whatever are seen is actually an emotional quantification. When the quantification of emotions are being measured by fm 2.5 and EEG it's noticed that fm 2.5 describes all thought process which actually depicts how Ranbindra psychotherapy is making an impact on a person, and how the mind's rhythm and tempo are being helped to be maintain its balance.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Career counselling Workshop

Career indecision is one of the roots of Adolescent stress. Department of Education of the Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute is organizing one day workshop on 5th June. Certificate of participation will be arranged. The details are given below :

1.  Workshop title: Orientation to Career Counseling

2.  Who can participate : PG in Psychology, Career counselor, School teacher and Educator.

3. Healing Touch and Care, 3, Ramkumar Ganguly lane, Howrah - 711103, Landmark - Nearby Charmandir.

Phone :9051293596/ 8910652243

4. Registration fee :Rs 500.

5. Course contents : Introduction to Career Counseling, Career indecision, RIASEC model, Assessment, Career outcome.

6. Date and time : 5.6.19, 10-3 PM

7. Working lunch will be provided.

8. Application for the workshop will be sent to